(Below: English, Spanish, Italian Versions; Apologise for cross-posting)

Dear Colleagues,

I am attaching the first announcement (new version for some of you) of a  
Workshop we are organising in Milan (May, 2001) on contemporary theoretical  
physics and mathematics history. We hope that it will be of your interest.

Those interested to attend please contact me at the address indicated.

An updated version will be soon located at the American Institute of Physics 
webpage: http://www.aip.org/history/meetings.htm

Yours Sincerely,

ADG                                     PT

Estimados colegas,

Estoy anexando el primer anuncio (nueva versión para algunos) de un Taller  
que estamos organizando en Milán (Mayo, 2001) sobre historia de la física  
teórica y la matemática contemporáneas. Esperamos que sea de su interés.

Aquellos interesados en participar, por favor contactarnos en las
direcciones indicadas en el anuncio.

Una versión al día se podrá consultar en pocos días en la página internet  
del American Instute of Physics: http://www.aip.org/history/meetings.htm


ADG                                     PT

Cari colleghi,

Vi stiamo allegando il primo annuncio (nuova versione per alcuni di voi) di 
un Workshop che stiamo organizzando a Milano (Maggio, 2001) su storia 
contemporanea della fisica teórica e la matematica. Speriamo che sia del 
vostro interesse. Le persone interessate, per favore rivolgersi ai ricapiti 
indicati nel manifesto.

Una versione aggiornata potrà essere consultata nella pagina internet
dell'American Instute of Physics: http://www.aip.org/history/meetings.htm

Yours sincerely,

ADG                                     PT

Alexis De Greiff*                               Pasquale Tucci
Istituto di Fisica Generale Appl.       Istituto di Fisica Generale Appl.
Sezione di Storia della Fisica          Sezione di Storia della Fisica
U. degli Studi di Milano                        U. degli Studi di Milano
Milano                                          Milano

*On leave of absence from Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, U. Nacional de




Observatorio Astronómico Nacional de Colombia

First Announcement



Milan (Italy).
25 (9.00-17.00)-26 (9.00-13.00) May, 2001

Aims of the workshop:

The aim of the workshop is to gather together scholars concerned with the 
history of theoretical physics and mathematics. It is expected that the 
presentations of their works invite the participants to reflect and discuss 
about various questions related to the relationship between theoretical 
scientists and politics in the twentieth century

Whilst there is an extensive literature on the relationship between
experimental physics and politics in the twentieth-century, the interaction 
between theoretical physics and mathematics with power during the same 
period still deserves study and discussion. This is true both for the 
American context where the focus has been on the
military-industrial-university complex and for the non-American context, 
although the latter has received far less attention in historiography.

Some of the broad questions the workshop should try to tackle are the
following: How did the political environment in different national and
international contexts affect the research and pedagogical practices? How 
did the political situation in Europe affect the migration patterns of 
European scientists to other countries besides the United States? What was 
the role ascribed to theoretical physicists and mathematicians in the 
ideology of national security and/or development? What role did they 
actually play? How did they negotiate their own status in view of the 
growing interests of the state in science and technology? What is the main 
difference between scientific internationalism as it was conceived and 
practised before and after World War Two?

It is expected to publish the proceedings of the workshop.

Preliminary list of speakers:

„Exact scientists in and out of the Soviet Union, 1929-1937, through the 
cases of Herman Muntz and Guido Beck"
Eduardo L. Ortiz (Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London)

„Physics and mathematics in Spain (1900-1960s), a complex and politically 
conditioned relationship"
José Manuel Sánchez-Ron (Department of Theoretical Physics, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid)

„Putting the 'Big' into 'Big Science':  Cold War Requisitions, Scientific 
Manpower, and the Production of American Physicists after World War II"
David Kaiser (Department of Physics and Science and Technology Studies
Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Title to be announced.
Gianni Battimelli (Dipartimento di Fisica, U. ŒLa Sapienza‚ di Roma)

„Creating a centre to collaborate in theoretical physics in Trieste
(1960-1963): international, national and local contexts"
Alexis De Greiff (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, U. N. Colombia; Centre 
for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Imperial College, 

Andrew Warwick (Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine,
Imperial College, London)

Sessions (Preliminary):

25 May (Friday) Morning: Presentation of papers I
25 May (Friday) Afternoon: Presentation of papers II
25 May (Friday): Dinner
26 May (Saturday) Morning: Discussion session. Closure.

PLACE: To be announced.


Alexis De Greiff (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Universidad Nacional de
Colombia; Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine,
Imperial College, London)

Pasquale Tucci (Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata-Sezione di Storia
della Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano)


Istituto di Fisica General Applicata-Sezione di Storia della Fisica,
Università degli Studi di Milano

Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
(Santafé de Bogotá).

Dottorato in ŒStoria Internazionale ˆ Elaborazione Multimediale‚, Università
degli Studi di Milano

Applications to attend:

The workshop is aimed at scholars working in the history and/or the
sociology of science, contemporary history, and subjects related to science 
and politics in the twentieth-century. The number of participants will be 
small to stimulate the discussion and interaction with and between the 

Researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students are most welcome to apply. 
It is possible that we have a few low-cost accommodation facilities to offer 
to the attendees.

To attend, please write to any of the following addresses:

Alexis De Greiff
Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata
Sezione Storia della Fisica
20121 Milano ˆ Via Brera, 28
Fax: ++39 02- 7200 1600
Tel: ++39 02-8057 309

First Annoucement No Logos.rtf

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