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International Fellowships in Medical Education

International Fellowships in Medical Education

Primary Sponsor: Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
Deadline: 8/15/2001


In keeping with one of its missions, that of promoting excellence in international medical education, the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) administers the International Fellowships in Medical Education (IFME). This program allows faculty from schools of medicine abroad to gain access to educational opportunities in the United States that are tailored toward specific home country needs. Fellows study aspects of medical education that have the potential to improve and expand medical education programs in their home country institutions and departments.

IFME program objectives include:

- Assisting foreign medical schools to improve and advance the process of medical education.
- Facilitating placement of medical education leaders from abroad in U.S. host institutions able to provide excellent instructional experiences in areas of determined home country needs.
- Advancing the international exchange of information in the medical sciences and in medical education.
- Contributing to the promotion of international understanding and exchange among nations

Approximately 20 fellowships are awarded annually. Mentoring will be provided by preceptors in U.S. basic and clinical science departments or medical education departments in U.S. medical schools. Eligible areas of study include: educational methodology, curriculum design, evaluation systems, medical school governance, and the development of basic and clinical science departments. Although the major emphasis of this program is to learn educational processes, fellows may concurrently pursue some collaborative research interest with U.S. basic science or clinical faculty.

Under this program, fellowships are not provided for any of the following: programs in basic or clinical research; degree-granting educational programs; programs that require tuition payments; grants for short-term courses or conference attendance; specialty training in residency programs; clinical fellowships; training solely in clinical procedures; or educational programs in schools of public health

Candidates for this program must:

- reside and work in their home countries at the time of application;
- have a graduate or professional degree in clinical medicine or in a basic science that is taught in a medical education setting in the U.S., or a professional degree in education;
- hold an academic appointment as a faculty member in a school of medicine or postgraduate medical education institute;
- have not less than three years of work experience as a faculty member in the home country following completion of their formal academic and clinical training;
- document competence in written and spoken English;
- have the endorsement of a home country medical school or postgraduate medical education institute for the proposed educational program;
- have a position to return to in the home country medical school, organization, or institution upon completion of the fellowship.

Programs range in length from six months to one year. Fellowships are limited to a maximum stay of one year.

Candidates must have the endorsement of an educational institution with which they are affiliated. In order for the IFME program to fulfill its objectives, it is essential that the home country endorsement include documentation of the institutional and home country need for the proposed educational program. Candidates and endorsing home country institutions are expected to certify that candidates will return to the institution of origin or to a position that has been designated for them upon their return.

Please note that only one application can be accepted for review from each home country endorsing institution

ECFMG matches approved candidates with appropriate U.S. faculty mentors. United States institutions that host fellows must have an academic administrative unit responsible for accepting fellows, must arrange their educational programs, and must ensure that appropriate supervision is provided. Host institutions are asked to submit a program plan for the fellow.

Although most applications originate in the home country without a designated U.S. sponsor, the ECFMG accepts applications for which a U.S. institution has expressed interest in the candidate. However, all applications are subject to the same review process and require the same assurance regarding the availability of a position in the home country upon completion of the fellowship.

Applications are mailed to eligible candidates in response to requests beginning in January of each program year.

Review of applications is made in November/December.

Candidates are responsible for submitting two Reference Report forms from two individuals chosen to provide references for the candidate. One of the References must be from the candidate’s immediate superior. The completed Reference Reports should be sent directly to ECFMG by the identified respondents.

ECFMG staff screens applications for completeness and for basic eligibility of candidates. An external Scientific Review Panel reviews eligible applications and makes recommendations for awards. In reviewing applications and making awards, consideration is given to the following:

- professional qualifications of the candidate.
- appropriateness of the educational programs proposed by the candidate and the endorsing home country institution.
- the home country endorsing institution’s plans for utilizing the benefits of the fellowship to meet identified needs.
- assessment of the overall value of the fellowship experience to the candidate, the home country institution, and the home country.
- evidence that the candidate will be in a position to implement the proposed educational improvements upon return to the home country institution.

Candidates will be notified of the final results of the review of applications about six months following the closing date for receipt of applications

Fellowship recipients must initiate their educational programs within one year of receiving notification that the placement in a U.S. host institution has been finalized.

Fellows are expected to be in good health at the time of appointment. They are expected to devote full time to the educational program for which the fellowship was awarded. Any substantial change in the educational program or a change in fellowship institution requires prior ECFMG approval. All fellows are required to submit a mid-fellowship report and a final report upon completion of the program

Fellowship allowances generally include a monthly stipend of $2,400, round trip economy class airfare for the fellow only, and travel to one scientific meeting in the U.S., as appropriate. In addition, the program provides health insurance for the fellow and accompanying family members. The only allowance for dependents is health insurance coverage. The U.S. host institution receives a modest grant of $5,000 of which $3,000 is an unrestricted grant for the host department and $2,000 is for administrative costs related to the fellowship.


August 2001: Applications and Reference Reports are due at ECFMG by August 15.
November/December 2001: Review of applications by Scientific Review Panel.
February 2002: Announcement of Awards
February through June 2002: Placements obtained in U.S. host institutions for awardees.

Programs must begin within one year of notification that the placement in a U.S. institution has been finalized.

Applications may be obtained by written or phone request from:

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
International Fellowships in Medical Education
Suite 475
2401 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037 USA

Phone (202) 293-9320
Fax (202) 457-0751


00A110000 All International Announcements
00A006000 Foundation Funding Opportunities
000785035 Clinical Medicine General
000720000 Education & Instruction (Health & Safety & Medical)
000503000 Educational Modes & Psychology & Theory
000502024 Medical Education
000501000 Educational Administration & Policy
000000026 International Exchange Programs
000000022 Fellowships
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