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              "No publications, no funds; no funds, no job."

     "desk-top faculty development, one hundred times a year"



The posting below gives some excellent advice on publishing in the sciences.
It is taken from The Scientist - The News Journal of the Life 
Scientist, [], 15[7]:30, 
April 2, 2001 © Copyright 2001, The Scientist, Inc. All rights 
reserved. Reprinted with permission.


Rick Reis
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                          Tomorrow's Research

                ------------- 1,271 words --------------

        Many options exist for researchers to get their name in print

By Kate Devine
Courtesy of M. Celeste Simon

The experts agree: "Publish or Perish" is still alive and well in the 
research community. "The cardinal rule is, 'A scientific experiment 
is not complete until the results have been published,'" notes Bob 
Day, professor emeritus, department of English, University of 
Delaware, and author of a book on scientific paper publishing.1 In 
addition to "completing an experiment," publication in scientific 
literature serves as a means to secure knowledge ownership claims and 
is an efficient vehicle for communicating this knowledge.2 Bruce 
Lewenstein, associate professor of communication and science and 
technology studies, Cornell University, expounds, "Scientific 
knowledge is a communal resource that only exists because it's 
available for others to judge and affirm as important."
Other experts have a more pragmatic perspective. "Researchers publish 
for economic self-interest, ... it provides visibility and is 
evidence of productivity," comments Ed Huth, editor emeritus of the 
Annals of Internal Medicine and author of a book on publishing in 
medicine.3 Jeremy Flower-Ellis, associate professor, department for 
production ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, who 
has taught a course on how to write and publish a scientific paper 
since 1968, succinctly agrees, "No publications, no funds; no funds, 
no job."

Lewenstein, who is also editor of the journal, Public Understanding 
of Science, says it is important to recognize that scientists are 
individuals in a large system, with personal, less altruistic reasons 
for publishing. He explains that publishing is the means by which a 
scientist can be rewarded. Those rewards can include recognition for 
ideas; others seeking the author out for collaboration; invitations 
to meetings to talk about ideas and thus, stay intellectually alive; 
invitations to meetings at locations that are personally pleasurable; 
recognition from deans and department heads regarding the value of 
the researcher's work in the form of increased resources (i.e., lab 
space and graduate students); and higher salary from those same deans 
and directors when another institution tries to hire the scientist 
because they value the work they see published.

                      Not All Journals Are Created Equal

This pressure to publish and the limited number of pages in existing 
journals has contributed to a proliferation of journals, notes 
Lewenstein. He adds that while there are an estimated 70,000 
journals, only a few thousand are considered really important. Jeff 
Skousen, professor of soil science, West Virginia University, points 
out that there are varying levels of journal prestige and not every 
paper qualifies for the most well-known. Top-tier journals usually 
reject more than 50 percent of the papers submitted to them, and some 
have rejection rates as high as 70 percent, Skousen says. These 
journals are rigorously edited and require very sound science and 
results that have meaning and application in the field. Other 
journals have a much lower rejection rate and are not as tightly 
edited, but they generally contain good research.

Third-tier journals rarely reject a paper unless the entire study is 
flawed or the data are improperly interpreted. These journals are 
also acceptable because they generally answer real questions and 
report good science, but they often do not account for all the 
variables required for a top-tier journal.
Huth agrees that as the prestige of journals goes down, the tendency 
to publish whatever is legitimate goes up. "The most prestigious 
journals tend to publish what is the most important in new work," he 
notes. Flower-Ellis also affirms, "A paper rejected by one journal 
may be slightly rehashed and submitted to another, then another, and 
so on, until it eventually is accepted by a journal with a 
sufficiently low threshold. Thus, because of the numerous journals 
available, and the varying prestige, most people can publish their 
work at some tier level." Huth points out that there may be a 
trade-off to consider between how important it is to publish rapidly 
and get results on the record versus how important it is to publish 
in the most prestigious journal possible.
In addition to journal prestige, the author's track record can also 
be a factor in publishing success. Day says, "Editors are human and, 
therefore, they can be affected by past work and influenced by a name 
they recognize." Presumably, "that is why ... many papers include the 
names of established scientists among their authors even when the 
established names may have contributed little to the work," remarks 

Experience gained from previous publishing helps as well. According 
to Skousen, "Scientists who publish know some of the pitfalls and 
obstacles that hinder the publishing process, especially in the 
top-tier journals." Daniel W. Byrne, director of biostatistics and 
study design, general clinical research center, Vanderbilt University 
Medical Center, however, believes it probably does not improve the 
odds of acceptance very much. Instead, says Bryne, who has authored a 
book on publishing medical research papers,4 once a person has 
developed the skills to publish a paper, the next papers are much 
easier to publish.

                           Criteria for Authors

While originality can be a persuasive factor, "People are still able 
to get their work published even if it seems similar to previously 
published work," observes Skousen. Although one may think that most 
of the pertinent questions in a subject area might be answered after 
long periods of testing and experimentation that does not seem to be 
the case, he continues. "I'm surprised that there are not that many 
new ideas in our journals today compared to past decades," he 
remarks. "Sure, we get new instruments and tools that allow greater 
precision or accuracy of measurement, but the ideas are not that 
dissimilar, nor are the results that dissimilar after data collection 
and interpretation." Flower-Ellis predicts that more and more papers 
will be assessed as "valuable confirmations" rather than as "original 
contributions to knowledge." Another consideration is the manuscript 
topic. A hot topic "is more likely to be published than is an equally 
sound paper dealing with a currently unfashionable subject," says 
Flower-Ellis The scientific community does display some of the 
proverbial characteristics of lemmings, in publication no less than 
in choice of research area."

The criteria publishers use as measures for accepting a paper vary a 
lot more than is sometimes realized, notes Lewenstein. Publication is 
not a cut-and-dried process--it's infinitely variable and flexible. 
In particular, "peer review" is not a simple criterion, he continues. 
Some journals may send an article to three to five reviewers, and the 
editors make an informed judgment by weighing all reviews. Other 
journals may send an article to a single reviewer and make simple 
yes/no decisions based on one review. Some journals may do a lot more 
editorial work with an author, while others take manuscripts more or 
less as submitted.
Although the review process can be flexible, acceptance criteria are 
relatively standard. Experts consulted offer simple advice for 
optimizing publishing success. Many say influential factors include 
the need for clarity, originality of thought, novelty of finding, 
organization, completeness, and good writing. The experts' advice may 
seem evident. Skousen, however, states that the most elegant research 
is usually simple and direct. According to Byrne, who published an 
article last year on common reasons for manuscript rejection,5 flawed 
or poorly planned study design and lack of detail in methods were the 
two elements most often leading to rejection.

One life science researcher with an impressive publication history 
(71 papers over 20 years with 50 of those papers since becoming a 
faculty member in 1993) is M. Celeste Simon, a University of 
Pennsylvania associate professor in cell and developmental biology. A 
Howard Hughes Medical Institute associate investigator at Penn's 
Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, Simon's philosophy is one 
for all researchers to consider, "Publishing is the currency in which 
researchers deal." Kate Devine can be contacted at 


1. R.A. Day, How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper, 5th ed., 
Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1998.

2. A.G. Gross, J.E. Harmon, "What's right about scientific writing," 
The Scientist, 13[24]:20, Dec. 6, 1999.

3. E.J. Huth, Writing and Publishing in Medicine, 3rd ed., 
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.

4. D. W. Byrne, Publishing Your Medical Research Paper: What They 
Don't Teach You in Medical School, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams 
& Wilkins, 1997.

5. D. W. Byrne, "Common reasons for rejecting manuscripts at medical 
journals: a survey of editors and peer reviewers," Science Editor, 
23[2]:39-44, March-April 2000.


The Scientist 15[7]:30, Apr. 2, 2001

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