On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 15:27 -0400, Allen S. Rout wrote:
> The dependency resolution in R2spec introduces loops.
> Try to build foreach or iterators.  In R2spec's calculation of deps,
> they depend on each other.  This appears to be because R2spec promotes
> a 'suggests' to a 'depends'.
> This might be because the 'suggests' is used in the vigniettes? 

As per Fedora R-packaging guidelines 'suggests' and 'depends' are
treated in the same way. This is a problem when trying to build lots of
packages in the row* so there now** a --nosuggest option available. This
option does what it says, it does not treat 'suggests' as
The --nocheck option might also be needed in this case as R CMD CHECK
normally complains when there is a 'suggests' missing.

Hope this helps,

* Yes, I did try to build quite a part of cran using R2rpm/R2spec
** On the git repo, I have not made a release with these changes yet
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