Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou-e11oz7vxvvoxcrstzzn...@public.gmane.org>

> On Tue, 2011-04-12 at 15:27 -0400, Allen S. Rout wrote:
>> The dependency resolution in R2spec introduces loops.
>> Try to build foreach or iterators.  In R2spec's calculation of deps,
>> they depend on each other.  This appears to be because R2spec promotes
>> a 'suggests' to a 'depends'.
>> This might be because the 'suggests' is used in the vigniettes? 
> As per Fedora R-packaging guidelines 'suggests' and 'depends' are
> treated in the same way. 

This is simply broken.  It is broken in two directions: It elevates to a
dependency the things which are only declared to be necessary for CHECK,
and it fails to account for 'Imports', which is an _actual_ dependency. 

Try ggplot2 for an example of this. 

- Allen S. Rout

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