On 3 March 2006 at 23:17, José Matos wrote:
| On 03/03/06, José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Hi,
| >   in Fedora Extras we build R packages to a temporary directory. The
| > relevant section in
| > the spec file is this:
| >
| > %build
| > cd ..; R CMD INSTALL %{packname} -l %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/R/library
| >
| > It works. :-)
| >
| > We noticed one problem though (I will assume working on ix86 here) the
| > temporary build path is saved in
| > /usr/lib/R/library/*/Meta/hsearch.rds, i.e. for each package.
|   Searching a little bit more I see that Peter Daalgard came to the
| same conclusion one month ago:
| https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-February/086069.html

And I guess you also saw that he called that harmless, right?

We have building packages like this 'forever' under Debian and yet to have a
problem with it:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> strings /usr/lib/R/site-library/*/Meta/*.rds | grep -c 

That 5154 occurrences of the string buildd showing that the package was built
in a Debian autobuilder.  

| > To see this is enough to run strings over these file.
| >
| > Is this a security concern? Does R uses this path in any way?

Why would this have security implications?  As others have said, the main
thing is $R_HOME set in the R shell script (and now to a lesser extent the
locations for the doc/, include/, and share/ directories which are allowed to
be somewhere other than directly under $R_HOME if you so desire [ and we do,
slowly, as there may be advantages to eventual convergence towards Linux FHS
standards ] ).

| > In case the answer is yes, it is safe to run sed over this file and do
| > a textual replacement?

I'd treat that as an empirical exercise :)  Maybe you can even cook up a
patch that may one day make it into being called by 'make install' ?


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