[A build system misconfiguration at Bioconductor lead to a discussion
about whether \usepackage{Sweave} should be included in .Rnw
documents. Leaving this line out causes a problem on Windows, as
indicated below.]

I think the problem is '~', which should, according to Donald
Arseneau's comment in this thread


be \string~. If this is the correct change, perhaps an upstream fix
could be introduced in src/library/util/R/Sweave.R.


Gordon Smyth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> PS. The line added by Sweave to a vignette in R2.4.0dev for Windows is 
> actually
> \usepackage{C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-24~1.0DE/share/texmf/Sweave}
> Even though this DOS version of the file path doesn't contain a space
> character, it is still invalid syntax for LaTeX.
> Gordon

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