Full_Name: Fabian Scheipl
Version: 2.8.0
OS: Windows, Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

It seems to me that the documentation for body<- is wrong.
The help file for  

body(fun, envir = environment(fun)) <- value

says that:

value can be an expression or a list of R expressions.

This produces errors however:


> f <- function(x){}
> body(f) <- list(expression(res <- x^2),expression(return(x)))
Fehler in as.function.default(c(formals(fun), value), envir) : 
  ungültiges formales Argument für "function"


The only way to assign multiple statements to a function body
that I could get to work is to put all the statements into a single expression,
(separated by ';' and in curly brackets):


body(f) <- expression({res <- x^2; return(x)})


I think the words 'or a list of R expressions.' should be removed.

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