
since a couple of days ago I see failures when using
R CMD INSTALL -l lib  path-to-src/pkg.tar.gz

This occurs in automated library updating via a shell script and is caused by 
immediate preceding call to leave an 00LOCK folder
even though the package installation of that call succeeded.
This occurs at random (no obvious/systematic correlation to package name or or 
such) and
only for packages where an earlier version has been installed into the same 
library location.


~/R/hardy$ R-2.9.0/bin/R CMD INSTALL -l R-2.9.x-libs 

** building package indices ...
* DONE (feature)

~/R/hardy$ ls -al R-2.9.x-libs/00LOCK/feature/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 XXX epiR 39 Mar 27 05:56 feature -> 

?INSTALL tells me of a workaround via --unsafe or --no-lock but I would prefer 
to use the
default incantation.
Any insights what the cause could be?

Regards, Matthias

R version 2.9.0 RC (2009-04-10 r48321)
on Ubuntu hardy

Matthias Burger                     Project Manager/ Biostatistician
Epigenomics AG    Kleine Praesidentenstr. 1    10178 Berlin, Germany
phone:+49-30-24345-0                            fax:+49-30-24345-555
http://www.epigenomics.com           matthias.bur...@epigenomics.com
Epigenomics AG Berlin           Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 75861
Vorstand:                           Geert Nygaard (CEO/Vorsitzender)
                                            Oliver Schacht PhD (CFO)
Aufsichtsrat:   Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Rolf Krebs (Chairman/Vorsitzender)

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