Instead of writing out an xls file you could write out a file
in any format that Excel can read, e.g. csv, with a suitable
renaming of your function.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 1:04 PM, spencerg<> wrote:
> Hello:
>     What should I do regarding code to write an Excel file in a non-Windows
> platform?
>     The "sos" package [new version of "RSiteSearch"] on R-Forge includes
> "writeFindFn2xls", which starts with "require(RODBC)".  The next line calls
> "odbcConnectExcel".  This works under Windows but fails under Linux and
> MacOS.
>     What would you suggest we do about this?
>     It currently tests (.Platform$OS.type == "windows");  if(FALSE), it
> issues an error, saying that it only works under Windows.  Also, the help
> page skips those tests if the the platform is not Windows.
>     If there is a better way to handle this, I would like to know.
>     Thanks,
>     Spencer
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