Hi Spencer,

Unfortunately, the two Perl modules in question, Text::CSV_XS and Encode, are not pure Perl modules as they contain C code.

This means that the modules need to be compiled either beforehand as a pre-packaged binary or during installation, both for the Perl version that is installed on the user's system and for the operating system in use. The modules are binary specific to the Perl minor version being used (eg. 5.6 is not compatible with 5.8, which is not compatible with 5.10), which further complicates matters.

As a consequence, I cannot include them in the package and reasonably expect them to work for a given Perl version/OS combination.

For folks on Windows, there are essentially two options:

1. Install the ActiveState Perl distribution, which includes all required modules, without having to install anything extra. That is the easiest method today.

2. Install Duncan's Perl distribution as included in RTools, which at present does not include at least Text::CSV_XS. If one could convince Duncan to add that module to his offering, it would make that option easier, so as to not require users to separately install the module from CPAN or to install AS Perl. I have cc'd Duncan here to solicit his comments on that. It might also reduce the potential for confusion relative to having more than one Perl installation and dealing with setting $PATH, but that is not an overly complicated issue and why I have the 'perl' argument in the functions.

For folks on OSX, there seems to be the potential for Text::CSV_XS to be or not to be installed, possibly depending upon when they got their Mac and what updates have been installed. It was installed on my spring 2009 unibody MBP, but not on Prof. Ripley's MB Air, for example. If it is not, one can install XCode Tools to install a C compiler and then install/compile the module from CPAN or from MacPorts. One can also use the AS Perl installation to achieve the same simple approach as on Windows.

On most recent Linux distributions, the modules are either already present with the default Perl install or can be easily installed via the distribution's package management system (eg. yum or apt-get). Of course, AS Perl is also available here as yet another option if for some reason, folks don't want to use their Linux distribution's existing tools.

The above information is contained in the package INSTALL file. If things there are unclear, I welcome comments and content that might help to clarify things.



On Aug 9, 2009, at 1:09 PM, spencerg wrote:

Dear Marc:

In spite of your efforts to help me, I still get an "F" in your "WriteXLS" class. Consider the following:

> library(WriteXLS)
> help(pac=WriteXLS)
> testPerl()
Perl found.

The following Perl modules were not found on this system:


If you have more than one Perl installation, be sure the correct one was used here.

Otherwise, please install the missing modules. See the package INSTALL file for more information.


Might it be feasible to include the required Perl modules with the "WriteXLS" package? Then you would not have to rely on fools like me not knowing how to get the preferred copy of any required Perl modules.

On my Windows platform (Vista), I got RODBC to work for "writeFindFn2xls" in the "sos" package. Unfortunately, the "daily checks" on R-Forge failed on non-Windows platforms. When I saw that, I asked R-Devel for help. Dirk suggested I try "WriteXLS"; see below.

    What do you suggest?

If I don't hear an answer, I propose to NOT add "WriteXLS" to the "DESCRIPTION" file but rather to modify the code for "writeFindFn2xls" so that on non-Windows platforms, it tests to see if "WriteXLS" is installed. If no, it will issue an appropriate error message. If it finds "WriteXLS", it will try to use it.

However, if you have other suggestions, I'd be pleased to hear them.

    Best Wishes,
    Spencer Graves

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)

LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States. 1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States. 1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
other attached packages:
[1] sos_1.0-5      brew_1.0-3     WriteXLS_1.8.1

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 9 August 2009 at 12:04, spencerg wrote:
| What should I do regarding code to write an Excel file in a | non-Windows platform? [...] | What would you suggest we do about this? [...] | If there is a better way to handle this, I would like to know.

Portable (in the sense of used by Perl, Python, ... or other scripting engines) solutions have existed for a dozen years. We have a wrapper to Perl code for a long time too (having been of the initial discussions that lead to
Greg's initial read.xls from the gdata package).


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