Dear Dirk,

Thank you for this suggestion, however I have no idea where this code could be used.

As I have said, this file is created automatically during the compilation by the compiler, and I have no idea at which point "R CMD check" does check for CRLF line endings, and how to interfere with this step. Do you have any ideas?

Best regards

On 9/13/10 11:31 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 13 September 2010 at 23:07, cstrato wrote:
| Dear all,
| When running R CMD check on Windows XP to test my package I get the
| following warning message:
| "* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... WARNING
| Found the following sources/headers with CR or CRLF line endings:
|    src/xpsDict.h"
| The problem is that this file is created by the compiler AUTOMATICALLY
| during the compilation process, and since the file is created by VC++ on
| WinXP, it will always have CRLF line endings.
| Thus my question is:
| - Is it really necessary to issues this warning message?
| - If yes, could it be suppressed on Windows XP, since there it should
| obviously be no problem.
| One more issue:
| While I have always received this warning on my WinXP installation, for
| some lucky reason the warning did until now not appear on the
| Bioconductor Windows server, see BioC 2.6 with R-2.11.1:
| However, for some reason on BioC 2.7 running R-2.12.0 this warning does
| appear, see:
| For this reason I would  appreciate if there would be a possibility to
| suppress this warning message.

I once had the warning to in project and just added another filtering step
using this

## simple 0d 0a ->  0a converter to suppress a warning on Windows

filename<- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)[1]
if (!file.exists(filename)) q()

con<- file(filename, "rb")
bin<- readBin(con, raw(), 100000)
bin<- bin[ which(bin != "0d") ]


con<- file(filename, "wb")
writeBin(bin, con)

Maybe you can use something like this and have the generated file transformed.


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