I also had problems connecting via RMysql on Windows several weeks ago.
I decided to skip the package and now use RODBC, which runs stable out of the box. Perhaps you should have a look at this package.


Am 17.09.2010 17:50, schrieb Spencer Graves:

I've recently been through that with some success. I don't remember all the details, but I first looked at "help(pac=RMySQL)". This told me that the maintainer was Jeffrey Horner. Google told me he was at Vanderbilt. Eventually I found "http://biostat.mc.vanderbilt.edu/wiki/Main/RMySQL";, which told me that I needed to build the package myself so it matches your version of MySQL, operating system, etc. I did that.

Does the MySQL database already exist? I created a MySQL database and tables using MySQL server 5.1.50-win32. (Which version of MySQL do you have?)

help('RMySQL-package') includes "A typical usage". That helped me get started, except that I needed to write to that database, not just query it. For this, I think I got something like the following to work:

d <- dbReadTable(con, "WL")
dbWriteTable(con, "WL2", a.data.frame)  ## table from a data.frame
dbWriteTable(con, "test2", "~/data/test2.csv") ## table from a file

      Hope this helps.

On 9/17/2010 7:55 AM, Arijeet Mukherjee wrote:
I installed the RMySql package in R 2.11.1 64 bit
Now how can I connect R with MySql?
I am using a windows 7 64 bit version.
Please help ASAP.

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