I am having a problem with the installed R 2.12.0 on 32-bit Windows XP machine using the binary version.
The installer I am using is R-2.12.0-win.exe .  The problem I have is that some 
of my installed packages will not load, in particular PolynomF, which has a 
pre-compiled .dll.  Other packages such as SOAR, which is pure R, attach and 
work without a hitch.

The error message I am getting when trying to load PolynomF is a question 
whether or not the package has been compiled for the present architecture.  
(This package works without a hitch on R-2.11.1, for example.)

Is there any significance in the name of the installer now including just "win" rather 
than "win32", as it was in the last release?

Is it the case that all packages will have to be re-built for the present 

Generally packages do need to be rebuilt for new versions of R (other than patch releases, where only the last digit changes). R 2.12.0 supports both 32 bit and 64 bit Windows in the same installation, and since Windows doesn't have MacOS-like "universal" binaries, that means binaries need to be put in the right place. Generally that's an i386 subdirectory for 32 bit, and an x64 directory for 64 bit. I don't know why a 32 bit DLL wouldn't work with 32 bit R 2.12.0, but if it was installed for 2.11.1, it might not be in the right place.

Duncan Murdoch

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