
On 7/02/2011 8:36 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote:
Simon Urbanek<simon.urba...@r-project.org>
     on Sun, 6 Feb 2011 20:53:01 -0500 writes:

     >  On Feb 6, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:

     >>  Hi
     >>  On 3/02/2011 1:23 p.m., Simon Urbanek wrote:
     >>>  On Feb 2, 2011, at 7:00 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:
     >>>>  Hi
     >>>>  Martin Maechler wrote:
     >>>>>  On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 23:30, Simon
     >>>>>  Urbanek<simon.urba...@r-project.org>  wrote:
On Feb 1, 2011, at 8:16 PM, Paul Murrell wrote:

     >>>>>>>  Hi
     >>>>>>>  On 2/02/2011 2:03 p.m., Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
     >>>>>>>>  On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 4:46 PM, Paul
     >>>>>>>>  Murrell<p.murr...@auckland.ac.nz>  wrote:
     >>>>>>>>>  Hi
     >>>>>>>>>  On 1/02/2011 9:22 p.m., Martin Maechler wrote:
     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Henrik Bengtsson<h...@biostat.ucsf.edu>  on
     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:16:59 -0800 writes:
     >>>>>>>>>>>  Hi, str() on raster objects fails for certain
     >>>>>>>>>>>  dimensions.  For example:
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=100)) 'raster'
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  chr [1, 1:100]
     >>>>>>>>>>>  "#000000" "#000000" "#000000" "#000000" ...
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  str(as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=101)) Error in
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  `[.raster`(object,
     >>>>>>>>>>>  seq_len(max.len)) : subscript out of bounds
     >>>>>>>>>>>  This seems to do with how str() and "[.raster"()
     >>>>>>>>>>>  is coded; when subsetting as a vector, which
     >>>>>>>>>>>  str() relies on, "[.raster"() still returns a
     >>>>>>>>>>>  matrix-like object, e.g.
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  img<- as.raster(1:25, max=25, nrow=5, ncol=5);
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  img[1:2]
     >>>>>>>>>>>  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] "#0A0A0A"
     >>>>>>>>>>>  "#3D3D3D" "#707070" "#A3A3A3" "#D6D6D6" [2,]
     >>>>>>>>>>>  "#141414" "#474747" "#7A7A7A" "#ADADAD"
     >>>>>>>>>>>  "#E0E0E0"
     >>>>>>>>>>>  compare with:
     >>>>>>>>>>>>  as.matrix(img)[1:2]
     >>>>>>>>>>>  [1] "#0A0A0A" "#3D3D3D"
     >>>>>>>>>>>  The easy but incomplete fix is to do:
     >>>>>>>>>>>  str.raster<- function(object, ...) {
     >>>>>>>>>>>  str(as.matrix(object), ...); }
     >>>>>>>>>>>  Other suggestions?
     >>>>>>>>>>  The informal "raster" class is behaving
     >>>>>>>>>>  ``illogical'' in the following sense:
     >>>>>>>>>>>  r<- as.raster(0, nrow=1, ncol=11)
     >>>>>>>>>>>  r[seq_along(r)]
     >>>>>>>>>>  Error in `[.raster`(r, seq_along(r)) : subscript
     >>>>>>>>>>  out of bounds
     >>>>>>>>>>  or, here equivalently,
     >>>>>>>>>>>  r[1:length(r)]
     >>>>>>>>>>  Error in `[.raster`(r, 1:length(r)) : subscript
     >>>>>>>>>>  out of bounds
     >>>>>>>>>>  When classes do behave in such a way, they
     >>>>>>>>>>  definitely need their own str() method.
     >>>>>>>>>>  However, the bug really is in "[.raster":
     >>>>>>>>>>  Currently, r[i] is equivalent to r[i,] which is
     >>>>>>>>>>  not at all matrix-like and its help clearly says
     >>>>>>>>>>  that subsetting should work as for matrices. A
     >>>>>>>>>>  recent thread on R-help/R-devel has mentioned the
     >>>>>>>>>>  fact that "[" methods for matrix-like methods
     >>>>>>>>>>  need to use both nargs() and missing() and that
     >>>>>>>>>>  "[.dataframe" has been the example to follow
     >>>>>>>>>>  "forever", IIRC already in S and S-plus as of 20
     >>>>>>>>>>  years ago.
     >>>>>>>>>  The main motivation for non-standard behaviour
     >>>>>>>>>  here is to make sure that a subset of a raster
     >>>>>>>>>  object NEVER produces a vector (because the
     >>>>>>>>>  conversion back to a raster object then produces a
     >>>>>>>>>  single-column raster and that may be a
     >>>>>>>>>  "surprise").  Thanks for making the code more
     >>>>>>>>>  standard and robust.
     >>>>>>>>>  The r[i] case is still tricky.  The following
     >>>>>>>>>  behaviour is quite convenient ...
     >>>>>>>>>  r[r == "black"]<- "white"
     >>>>>>>>>  ... but the next behaviour is quite jarring (at
     >>>>>>>>>  least in terms of the raster image that results
     >>>>>>>>>  from it) ...
     >>>>>>>>>  r2<- r[1:(nrow(r) + 1)]
     >>>>>>>>>  So I think there is some justification for further
     >>>>>>>>>  non-standardness to try to ensure that the subset
     >>>>>>>>>  of a raster image always produces a sensible
     >>>>>>>>>  image.  A simple solution would be just to outlaw
     >>>>>>>>>  r[i] for raster objects and force the user to
     >>>>>>>>>  write r[i, ] or r[, j], depending on what they
     >>>>>>>>>  want.
     >>>>>>>>  FYI, I've tried out Martin's updated version at it
     >>>>>>>>  seems like a one-column raster matrix is now
     >>>>>>>>  returned for r[i], e.g.
     >>>>>>>  Yes, that's what I've been looking at ...
     >>>>>>>>>  r<- as.raster(1:8, max=8, nrow=2, ncol=4); r
     >>>>>>>>  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] "#202020" "#606060"
     >>>>>>>>  "#9F9F9F" "#DFDFDF" [2,] "#404040" "#808080"
     >>>>>>>>  "#BFBFBF" "#FFFFFF"
     >>>>>>>>>  r[1:length(r)]
     >>>>>>>>  [,1] [1,] "#202020" [2,] "#404040" [3,] "#606060"
     >>>>>>>>  [4,] "#808080" [5,] "#9F9F9F" [6,] "#BFBFBF" [7,]
     >>>>>>>>  "#DFDFDF" [8,] "#FFFFFF"
     >>>>>>>  ... and the above is exactly the sort of thing that
     >>>>>>>  will fry your mind if the image that you are
     >>>>>>>  subsetting is, for example, a photo.
Why doesn't raster behave consistently like any matrix
     >>>>>>>  object?
I would expect simply

     >>>>>>>  r[1:length(r)]
[1] "#202020" "#404040" "#606060" "#808080" "#9F9F9F"
     >>>>>>>  "#BFBFBF"

Where it's obvious what happened. I saw the comment about
     >>>>>>>  the
vector but I'm not sure I get it - why don't you want a
     >>>>>>>  vector?
The raster is no different than matrices - you still need
     >>>>>>>  to
define the dimensions when going back anyway, moreover
     >>>>>>>  what you
get now is not consistent at all since there raster never
     >>>>>>>  had
that dimension anyway ...

Cheers, Simon
     >>>>>  I agree that this would be the most "logical" and
     >>>>>  notably least surprising behavior, which I find the
     >>>>>  most important argument (I'm sorry my last message was
     >>>>>  cut off as it was sent accidentally before being
     >>>>>  finished completely).
     >>>>  I think this behaviour might surprise some ...
     >>>>  download.file("http://cran.r-project.org/Rlogo.jpg";,
     >>>>  "Rlogo.jpg") library(ReadImages) logo<-
     >>>>  read.jpeg("Rlogo.jpg")
     >>>>  rLogo<- as.raster(logo) rLogoBit<- rLogo[50:60, 50:60]
     >>>>  library(grid) # Original image grid.raster(rLogoBit)
     >>>>  grid.newpage() # Subset produces a vector
     >>>>  grid.raster(rLogoBit[1:length(rLogoBit)])
But this should fail IMHO since you're supplying a vector but
     >>>  grid.raster (assuming it's the same as rasterImage)
     >>>  requires a matrix - exactly as you would expect in the
     >>>  matrix case - if a function requires a matrix and you
     >>>  pass a vector, it will bark. I think you are explaining
     >>>  why going to vector *is* desirable ;). In the current
     >>>  case it simply generates the wrong dimensions instead of
     >>>  resulting in a vector, right?
     >>  The raster subsetting always produces a raster, but
     >>  grid.raster() works with vectors anyway because
     >>  as.raster() has a vector method.

    >  Well, isn't that the actual problem? ;) It could make sense but it
    >  should fail if dimensions are not specified for exactly the reason you
    >  mentioned - it is fatal if what you have is really an image ...

     >  Cheers, Simon

     >>  Anyway, I'm happy to go with things as they now are.  I
     >>  think at worst it will encourage people to specify two
     >>  indices when subsetting a raster object, and that's not a
     >>  bad thing.
     >>  Paul

I and (maybe others) are getting a bit lost..


- Simon proposes that     r[i]  should return a simple character vector
   such that raster images behave more naturally like matrices.

- Paul  seems happy with  r[i]  returning  a (k x 1) raster object
   -- where  k  almost completely unrelated to the original
   dim(r) -- with the argument that raster subsetting must always
   return a "raster".

Actually, I'd prefer it to return something more sensible, or just fail (I don't see why raster images should behave in all ways like matrices) ...

My vote would be for Simon's proposal, hence raster subsetting
should return a raster only when  [i,j] or [i,] or [,j]  syntax
is used.

... but I can also live with (Martin's interpretation of) Simon's proposal.



Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392

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