On Oct 28, 2011, at 6:49 AM, Renaud Gaujoux wrote:

> "BTW: an ever more intuitive solution (IMHO) would be to auto-complete 
> package names in library( ... Deepayan?;)  That is non-intrusive and in line 
> with the general use of R." (Simon)
> This is indeed a long wanted feature and to my surprise it actually already 
> exists!!! (seems that Deepayan did not tell anybody about it ;) )
> The help page ?completion in the utils package explains how to enable it:
> utils::rc.settings(ipck=TRUE)

Oh, well, the fact that it's off by default defeats the purpose, since the 
users that would benefit from it most are unlikely to mess with local 
configuration files...
But thanks for finding it!

> It simply worked on my Ubuntu box -- and directly went in my .Rprofile :)
> Hope this helps.
> Renaud
> -- 
> Renaud Gaujoux
> Computational Biology - University of Cape Town
> South Africa
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