I don't have a positive or negative opinion on this yet, but I do have a question. If I define both unary and binary operators with the same name (in different frames, presumably), what would happen?

Is "a %chr% b" a syntax error if unary %chr% is found first? If both might be found, does "a %chr% %chr% b" mean "%chr%(a, %chr% b)", or is it a syntax error (like typing "a %chr%(%chr%(b))" would be)?

Duncan Murdoch

On 16/03/2017 10:24 AM, Jim Hester wrote:
R has long supported user defined binary (infix) functions, defined
with `%fun%`. A one line change [1] to R's grammar allows users to
define unary (prefix) functions in the same manner.

    `%chr%` <- function(x) as.character(x)
    `%identical%` <- function(x, y) identical(x, y)

    %chr% 100
    #> [1] "100"

    %chr% 100 %identical% "100"
    #> [1] TRUE

This seems a natural extension of the existing functionality and
requires only a minor change to the grammar. If this change seems
acceptable I am happy to provide a complete patch with suitable tests
and documentation.

Index: src/main/gram.y
--- src/main/gram.y     (revision 72358)
+++ src/main/gram.y     (working copy)
@@ -357,6 +357,7 @@
        |       '+' expr %prec UMINUS           { $$ = xxunary($1,$2);
 setId( $$, @$); }
        |       '!' expr %prec UNOT             { $$ = xxunary($1,$2);
 setId( $$, @$); }
        |       '~' expr %prec TILDE            { $$ = xxunary($1,$2);
 setId( $$, @$); }
+       |       SPECIAL expr                    { $$ = xxunary($1,$2);
 setId( $$, @$); }
        |       '?' expr                        { $$ = xxunary($1,$2);
 setId( $$, @$); }

        |       expr ':'  expr                  { $$ =
xxbinary($2,$1,$3);      setId( $$, @$); }

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