OK.  I am more concerned now with semantics than the syntax.
Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Gabriel Becker <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> Bill,
> Right. My example was the functional form for clarity.
> There is a desire for a unary-operator form. (rlang's !! and !!! operators
> described in the comments in the file I linked to).  I can't really make
> that argument because I'm not one of the people who wanted that. You'd have
> to talk to the authors of the rlang package to find out their reasons for
> thinking that is important. All I know is that empirically, they seem to
> feel that way. There may also be issues with the use of . specifically,
> because this is in the "tidyverse" context where piping is common and . is
> used for something else there, but again that's conjecture on my part.
> Best,
> ~G
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:53 PM, William Dunlap <wdun...@tibco.com> wrote:
>> Your example
>>    x = 5
>>    exp = parse(text="f(uq(x)) + y +z") # expression: f(uq(x)) +y + z
>>    do_unquote(expr)
>>     # -> the language object f(5) + y + z
>> could be done with the following wrapper for bquote
>>    my_do_unquote <- function(language, envir = parent.frame()) {
>>       if (is.expression(language)) {
>>          # bquote does not go into expressions, only calls
>>          as.expression(lapply(language, my_do_unquote))
>>       } else {
>>          do.call(bquote, list(language, where=envir))
>>       }
>>    }
>> as in
>>    > x <- 5
>>    > exp <- parse(text="f(.(x)) + y +z") # dot is uq for bquote
>>    > exp
>>    expression(f(.(x)) + y +z)
>>    > my_do_unquote(exp)
>>    expression(f(5) + y + z)
>> Or do uq() and do_unquote() do more than that?  E.g., would
>> uq() carry information about environments?
>> [I think expressions should map to expressions and calls to calls.
>> Otherwise what would we do with multicall expressions?]
>> We probably need to come up with a better name than 'non-standard
>> evaluation' since there are lots of non-standard ways of doing things.
>> Bill Dunlap
>> TIBCO Software
>> wdunlap tibco.com
>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:14 PM, Gabriel Becker <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu>
>> wrote:
>> > William,
>> >
>> > Unbeknownst to me when I sent this, Jonathon Carrol started a specific
>> > thread about unquoting and a proposal for supporting it at the language
>> > level, which I think is a better place to discuss unquoting
>> > specifically.
>> > That said, the basics as I understand them in the context of
>> > non-standard
>> > evaluation, unquoting (or perhaps interpolation) is essentially
>> > substituting
>> > part of an unevaluated expression with its evaluated value inlined. The
>> > unquote operator, then, is the way of marking which parts of the
>> > expression
>> > should be substituted in that way (i.e. interpolated).
>> >
>> > i.e. if uq() is the unquote "operator" and do_unquote interpolates, then
>> > if
>> > we have
>> >
>> > x = 5
>> >
>> > exp = parse(text="f(uq(x)) + y +z") # expression: f(uq(x)) +y + z
>> >
>> >
>> > Then do_unquote would give you the expression f(5) + y + z
>> >
>> > In terms of what it does that the tilde does not, it would give you the
>> > ability to partially evaluate the captured formula/expression, without
>> > fully
>> > doing so.  See the roxygen comments in Hadley and Lionel's rlang package
>> > here: https://github.com/hadley/rlang/blob/master/R/tidy-unquote.R
>> >
>> > The desired precedence of such a unary operator is not clear to me. The
>> > way
>> > rlang implements the !! now, it is quite low, so in the examples you see
>> > there the ~list(!! x + x) is transformed to ~list(10), not ~list(5+x) as
>> > I
>> > would have expected.  I'm confused by this given what I understand the
>> > purpose to be, but that probably just means I'm not the right person to
>> > ask.
>> >
>> > Hope that helps.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > ~G
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 8:55 AM, William Dunlap <wdun...@tibco.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >After off list discussions with Jonathan Carrol and with
>> >> >Michael Lawrence I think it's doable, unambiguous,
>> >> >and even imo pretty intuitive for an "unquote" operator.
>> >>
>> >> For those of us who are not CS/Lisp mavens, what is an
>> >> "unquote" operator?  Can you expression quoting and unquoting
>> >> in R syntax and show a few examples where is is useful,
>> >> intuitive, and fits in to R's functional design?  In particular,
>> >> what does it give us that the current tilde function does not?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Bill Dunlap
>> >> TIBCO Software
>> >> wdunlap tibco.com
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 6:46 AM, Gabriel Becker <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Jim,
>> >> >
>> >> > One more note about precedence. It prevents a solution like the one
>> >> > you
>> >> > proposed from solving all of the problems you cited. By my reckoning,
>> >> > a
>> >> > "What comes next is for NSE" unary operator needs an extremely low
>> >> > precedence, because it needs to greedily grab "everything" (or a
>> >> > large
>> >> > amount) that comes after it. Normal-style unary operators, on the
>> >> > other
>> >> > hand, explicitly don't want that.
>> >> >
>> >> > From what I can see, your patch provides support for the latter but
>> >> > not
>> >> > the
>> >> > former.
>> >> >
>> >> > That said I think there are two issues here. One is can users define
>> >> > unary
>> >> > operators. FWIW my opinion on that is roughly neutral to slightly
>> >> > positive.
>> >> > The other issue is can we have quasi quotation of the type that
>> >> > Hadley
>> >> > and
>> >> > Lionel need in the language. This could be solved without allowing
>> >> > user-defined unary specials, and we would probably want it to be, as
>> >> > I
>> >> > doubt
>> >> > ~ %!%x + %!%y + z is  particularly aesthetically appealing to most
>> >> > (it
>> >> > isn't
>> >> > to me). I'd propose coopting unary @ for that myself. After off list
>> >> > discussions with Jonathan Carrol and with Michael Lawrence I think
>> >> > it's
>> >> > doable, unambiguous, and even imo pretty intuitive for an "unquote"
>> >> > operator.
>> >> >
>> >> > Best,
>> >> > ~G
>> >> >
>> >> > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Jim Hester
>> >> > <james.f.hes...@gmail.com>
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> >> I agree there is no reason they _need_ to be the same precedence,
>> >> >> but
>> >> >> I think SPECIALS are already have the proper precedence for both
>> >> >> unary
>> >> >> and binary calls. Namely higher than all the binary operators
>> >> >> (except
>> >> >> for `:`), but lower than the other unary operators. Even if we gave
>> >> >> unary specials their own precedence I think it would end up in the
>> >> >> same place.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>     `%l%` <- function(x) tail(x, n = 1)
>> >> >>     %l% 1:5
>> >> >>     #> [1] 5
>> >> >>     %l% -5:-10
>> >> >>     #> [1] -10
>> >> >>
>> >> >> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 6:57 PM, William Dunlap <wdun...@tibco.com>
>> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> > I am biased against introducing new syntax, but if one is
>> >> >> > experimenting with it one should make sure the precedence feels
>> >> >> > right.
>> >> >> > I think the unary and binary minus-sign operators have different
>> >> >> > precedences so I see no a priori reason to make the unary and
>> >> >> > binary
>> >> >> > %xxx% operators to be the same.
>> >> >> > Bill Dunlap
>> >> >> > TIBCO Software
>> >> >> > wdunlap tibco.com
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> >
>> >> >> > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Michael Lawrence
>> >> >> > <lawrence.mich...@gene.com> wrote:
>> >> >> >> I guess this would establish a separate "namespace" of symbolic
>> >> >> >> prefix
>> >> >> >> operators, %*% being an example in the infix case. So you could
>> >> >> >> have
>> >> >> >> stuff
>> >> >> >> like %?%, but for non-symbolic (spelled out stuff like %foo%),
>> >> >> >> it's
>> >> >> >> hard to
>> >> >> >> see the advantage vs. foo(x).
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> Those examples you mention should probably be addressed
>> >> >> >> (eventually)
>> >> >> >> in
>> >> >> >> the
>> >> >> >> core language, and it looks like people are already able to
>> >> >> >> experiment,
>> >> >> >> so
>> >> >> >> I'm not sure there's a significant impetus for this change.
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> Michael
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Jim Hester
>> >> >> >> <james.f.hes...@gmail.com>
>> >> >> >> wrote:
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >> >>> I used the `function(x)` form to explicitly show the function
>> >> >> >>> was
>> >> >> >>> being called with only one argument, clearly performance
>> >> >> >>> implications
>> >> >> >>> are not relevant for these examples.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> I think of this mainly as a gap in the tooling we provide users
>> >> >> >>> and
>> >> >> >>> package authors. R has native prefix `+1`, functional `f(1)` and
>> >> >> >>> infix
>> >> >> >>> `1 + 1` operators, but we only provide a mechanism to create
>> >> >> >>> user
>> >> >> >>> defined functional and infix operators.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> One could also argue that the user defined infix operators are
>> >> >> >>> also
>> >> >> >>> ugly and could be replaced by `f(a, b)` calls as well; beauty is
>> >> >> >>> in
>> >> >> >>> the eye of the beholder.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> The unquote example [1] shows one example where this gap in
>> >> >> >>> tooling
>> >> >> >>> caused authors to co-opt existing unary exclamation operator,
>> >> >> >>> this
>> >> >> >>> same gap is part of the reason the formula [2] and question mark
>> >> >> >>> [3]
>> >> >> >>> operators have been used elsewhere in non standard contexts.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> If the language provided package authors with a native way to
>> >> >> >>> create
>> >> >> >>> unary operators like it already does for the other operator
>> >> >> >>> types
>> >> >> >>> these machinations would be unnecessary.
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> [1]:
>> >> >> >>> https://github.com/hadley/rlang/blob/master/R/tidy-unquote.R#L17
>> >> >> >>> [2]: https://cran.r-project.org/package=ensurer
>> >> >> >>> [3]: https://cran.r-project.org/package=types
>> >> >> >>>
>> >> >> >>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Gabriel Becker
>> >> >> >>> <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu>
>> >> >> >>> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> > Martin,
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> > Jim can speak directly to his motivations; I don't claim to be
>> >> >> >>> > able
>> >> >> >>> > to do
>> >> >> >>> > so. That said, I suspect this is related to a conversation on
>> >> >> >>> > twitter
>> >> >> >>> about
>> >> >> >>> > wanting an infix "unquote" operator in the context of the
>> >> >> >>> > non-standard
>> >> >> >>> > evaluation framework Hadley Wickham and Lionel Henry (and
>> >> >> >>> > possibly
>> >> >> >>> others)
>> >> >> >>> > are working on.
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> > They're currently using !!! and !! for things related to this,
>> >> >> >>> > but
>> >> >> >>> > this
>> >> >> >>> > effectively requires non-standard parsing, as ~!!x is
>> >> >> >>> > interpreted
>> >> >> >>> > as
>> >> >> >>> > ~(`!!`(x)) rather than ~(!(!(x)) as the R parser understands
>> >> >> >>> > it.
>> >> >> >>> > Others
>> >> >> >>> and
>> >> >> >>> > I pointed out this was less than desirable, but if something
>> >> >> >>> > like
>> >> >> >>> > it
>> >> >> >>> > was
>> >> >> >>> > going to happen it would hopefully happen in the language
>> >> >> >>> > specification,
>> >> >> >>> > rather than in a package (and also hopefully not using !!
>> >> >> >>> > specifically).
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> > Like you, I actually tend to prefer the functional form myself
>> >> >> >>> > in
>> >> >> >>> > most
>> >> >> >>> > cases. There are functional forms that would work for the
>> >> >> >>> > above
>> >> >> >>> > case
>> >> >> >>> (e.g.,
>> >> >> >>> > something like the .() that DBI uses), but that's probably off
>> >> >> >>> > topic
>> >> >> >>> here,
>> >> >> >>> > and not a decision I'm directly related to anyway.
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> > Best,
>> >> >> >>> > ~G
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> >
>> >> >> >>> > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Martin Maechler
>> >> >> >>> > <maech...@stat.math.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> >>>>> Jim Hester <james.f.hes...@gmail.com>
>> >> >> >>> >> >>>>>     on Thu, 16 Mar 2017 12:31:56 -0400 writes:
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > Gabe,
>> >> >> >>> >>     > The unary functions have the same precedence as normal
>> >> >> >>> >> SPECIALS
>> >> >> >>> >>     > (although the new unary forms take precedence over
>> >> >> >>> >> binary
>> >> >> >>> SPECIALS).
>> >> >> >>> >>     > So they are lower precedence than unary + and -. Yes,
>> >> >> >>> >> both
>> >> >> >>> >> of
>> >> >> >>> >> your
>> >> >> >>> >>     > examples are valid with this patch, here are the
>> >> >> >>> >> results
>> >> >> >>> >> and
>> >> >> >>> quoted
>> >> >> >>> >>     > forms to see the precedence.
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > `%chr%` <- function(x) as.character(x)
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>   [more efficient would be     `%chr%` <- as.character]
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > `%identical%` <- function(x, y) identical(x, y)
>> >> >> >>> >>     > quote("100" %identical% %chr% 100)
>> >> >> >>> >>     > #>  "100" %identical% (`%chr%`(100))
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > "100" %identical% %chr% 100
>> >> >> >>> >>     > #> [1] TRUE
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > `%num%` <- as.numeric
>> >> >> >>> >>     > quote(1 + - %num% "5")
>> >> >> >>> >>     > #> 1 + -(`%num%`("5"))
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > 1 + - %num% "5"
>> >> >> >>> >>     > #> [1] -4
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > Jim
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> I'm sorry to be a bit of a spoiler to "coolness", but
>> >> >> >>> >> you may know that I like to  applaud Norm Matloff for his
>> >> >> >>> >> book
>> >> >> >>> >> title "The Art of R Programming",
>> >> >> >>> >> because for me good code should also be beautiful to some
>> >> >> >>> >> extent.
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> I really very much prefer
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>        f(x)
>> >> >> >>> >> to    %f% x
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> and hence I really really really cannot see why anybody would
>> >> >> >>> >> prefer
>> >> >> >>> >> the ugliness of
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>            1 + - %num% "5"
>> >> >> >>> >> to
>> >> >> >>> >>            1 + -num("5")
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> (after setting  num <- as.numeric )
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> Martin
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     > On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Gabriel Becker
>> >> >> >>> >> <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> Jim,
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> This seems cool. Thanks for proposing it. To be
>> >> >> >>> >> concrete,
>> >> >> >>> >> he
>> >> >> >>> >> user-defined
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> unary operations would be of the same precedence (or
>> >> >> >>> >> just
>> >> >> >>> slightly
>> >> >> >>> >> below?)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> built-in unary ones? So
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> "100" %identical% %chr% 100
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> would work and return TRUE under your patch?
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> And  with %num% <- as.numeric, then
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> 1 + - %num% "5"
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> would also be legal (though quite ugly imo) and work?
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> Best,
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> ~G
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 7:24 AM, Jim Hester
>> >> >> >>> >> <james.f.hes...@gmail.com>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> wrote:
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> R has long supported user defined binary (infix)
>> >> >> >>> >> functions,
>> >> >> >>> >> defined
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> with `%fun%`. A one line change [1] to R's grammar
>> >> >> >>> >> allows
>> >> >> >>> >> users
>> >> >> >>> to
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> define unary (prefix) functions in the same manner.
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> `%chr%` <- function(x) as.character(x)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> `%identical%` <- function(x, y) identical(x, y)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> %chr% 100
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> #> [1] "100"
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> %chr% 100 %identical% "100"
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> #> [1] TRUE
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> This seems a natural extension of the existing
>> >> >> >>> >> functionality and
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> requires only a minor change to the grammar. If this
>> >> >> >>> >> change
>> >> >> >>> seems
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> acceptable I am happy to provide a complete patch
>> >> >> >>> >> with
>> >> >> >>> >> suitable
>> >> >> >>> >> tests
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> and documentation.
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> [1]:
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> Index: src/main/gram.y
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >>
>> >> >> >>> >> ===================================================================
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> --- src/main/gram.y     (revision 72358)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> +++ src/main/gram.y     (working copy)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> @@ -357,6 +357,7 @@
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> |       '+' expr %prec UMINUS           { $$ =
>> >> >> >>> >> xxunary($1,$2);
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> |       '!' expr %prec UNOT             { $$ =
>> >> >> >>> >> xxunary($1,$2);
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> |       '~' expr %prec TILDE            { $$ =
>> >> >> >>> >> xxunary($1,$2);
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> +       |       SPECIAL expr                    { $$
>> >> >> >>> >> =
>> >> >> >>> >> xxunary($1,$2);
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> |       '?' expr                        { $$ =
>> >> >> >>> >> xxunary($1,$2);
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> |       expr ':'  expr                  { $$ =
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> xxbinary($2,$1,$3);      setId( $$, @$); }
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> ______________________________________________
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>> >> >> >>> >>     >>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
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>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >>
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> --
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> Gabriel Becker, PhD
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> Associate Scientist (Bioinformatics)
>> >> >> >>> >>     >> Genentech Research
>> >> >> >>> >>
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>> >> >> >>> > --
>> >> >> >>> > Gabriel Becker, PhD
>> >> >> >>> > Associate Scientist (Bioinformatics)
>> >> >> >>> > Genentech Research
>> >> >> >>>
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>> >> >> >>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-devel
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>> >> > --
>> >> > Gabriel Becker, PhD
>> >> > Associate Scientist (Bioinformatics)
>> >> > Genentech Research
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Gabriel Becker, PhD
>> > Associate Scientist (Bioinformatics)
>> > Genentech Research
> --
> Gabriel Becker, PhD
> Associate Scientist (Bioinformatics)
> Genentech Research

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