On 04/05/2017 10:28 AM, Nick Brown wrote:

I hope I am posting to the right place. I was advised to try this list by Ben 
Bolker (https://twitter.com/bolkerb/status/859909918446497795). I also posted 
this question to StackOverflow 
 I am a relative newcomer to R, but I wrote my first program in 1975 and have 
been paid to program in about 15 different languages, so I have some general 
background knowledge.

I have a regression from which I extract the coefficients like this:
lm(y ~ x1 * x2, data=ds)$coef
That gives: x1=0.40, x2=0.37, x1*x2=0.09

When I do the same regression in SPSS, I get:
beta(x1)=0.40, beta(x2)=0.37, beta(x1*x2)=0.14.
So the main effects are in agreement, but there is quite a difference in the 
coefficient for the interaction.

I don't know about this instance, but a common cause of this sort of difference is a different parametrization. If that's the case, then predictions in the two systems would match, even if coefficients don't.

Duncan Murdoch

X1 and X2 are correlated about .75 (yes, yes, I know - this model wasn't my 
idea, but it got published), so there is quite possibly something going on with 
collinearity. So I thought I'd try lm.ridge() to see if I can get an idea of 
where the problems are occurring.

The starting point is to run lm.ridge() with lambda=0 (i.e., no ridge penalty) 
and check we get the same results as with lm():
lm.ridge(y ~ x1 * x2, lambda=0, data=ds)$coef
x1=0.40, x2=0.37, x1*x2=0.14
So lm.ridge() agrees with SPSS, but not with lm(). (Of course, lambda=0 is the default, 
so it can be omitted; I can alternate between including or deleting ".ridge" in 
the function call, and watch the coefficient for the interaction change.)

What seems slightly strange to me here is that I assumed that lm.ridge() just piggybacks 
on lm() anyway, so in the specific case where lambda=0 and there is no 
"ridging" to do, I'd expect exactly the same results.

Unfortunately there are 34,000 cases in the dataset, so a "minimal" reprex will 
not be easy to make, but I can share the data via Dropbox or something if that would help.

I appreciate that when there is strong collinearity then all bets are off in 
terms of what the betas mean, but I would really expect lm() and lm.ridge() to 
give the same results. (I would be happy to ignore SPSS, but for the moment 
it's part of the majority!)

Thanks for reading,

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