Thanks, I was getting to try this, but got side tracked by actual work...

Your analysis reproduces the SPSS unscaled estimates. It still remains to 
figure out how Nick got

coefficients(lm(ZDEPRESSION ~ ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA, data=s1))

           (Intercept)               ZMEAN_PA          ZDIVERSITY_PA 
            0.07342198            -0.39650356            -0.36569488            

which does not match your output. I suspect that ZMEAN_PA and ZDIVERSITY_PA 
were scaled for this analysis (but the interaction term still obviously is 
not). I conjecture that something in the vicinity of

res <- lm(DEPRESSION ~ scale(ZMEAN_PA) + scale(ZDIVERSITY_PA) + scale(ZMEAN_PA 
* ZDIVERSITY_PA), data=dat)

would reproduce the SPSS Beta values.

> On 5 May 2017, at 14:43 , Viechtbauer Wolfgang (SP) 
> <> wrote:
> I had no problems running regression models in SPSS and R that yielded the 
> same results for these data.
> The difference you are observing is from fitting different models. In R, you 
> fitted:
> res <- lm(DEPRESSION ~ ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA, data=dat)
> summary(res)
> The interaction term is the product of ZMEAN_PA and ZDIVERSITY_PA. This is 
> not a standardized variable itself and not the same as "ZINTER_PA_C" in the 
> png you showed, which is not a variable in the dataset, but can be created 
> with:
> dat$ZINTER_PA_C <- with(dat, scale(ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA))
> If you want the same results as in SPSS, then you need to fit:
> summary(res)
> This yields:
> Coefficients:
>              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
> (Intercept)    6.41041    0.01722  372.21   <2e-16 ***
> ZMEAN_PA      -1.62726    0.04200  -38.74   <2e-16 ***
> ZDIVERSITY_PA -1.50082    0.07447  -20.15   <2e-16 ***
> ZINTER_PA_C   -0.58955    0.05288  -11.15   <2e-16 ***
> ---
> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> Exactly the same as in the png.
> Peter already mentioned this as a possible reason for the discrepancy: 
> ("Is it perhaps 
> the case that x1 and x2 have already been scaled to have standard deviation 
> 1? In that case, x1*x2 won't be.")
> Best,
> Wolfgang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-devel [] On Behalf Of Nick Brown
> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 10:40
> To: peter dalgaard
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Rd] lm() gives different results to lm.ridge() and SPSS
> Hi, 
> Here is (I hope) all the relevant output from R. 
>> mean(s1$ZDEPRESSION, na.rm=T) [1] -1.041546e-16 > mean(s1$ZDIVERSITY_PA, 
>> na.rm=T) [1] -9.660583e-16 > mean(s1$ZMEAN_PA, na.rm=T) [1] -5.430282e-15 > 
>> lm.ridge(ZDEPRESSION ~ ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA, data=s1)$coef ZMEAN_PA      
>            -0.3962254             -0.3636026             -0.1425772      ## 
> This is what I thought was the problem originally. :-) 
>> coefficients(lm(ZDEPRESSION ~ ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA, data=s1)) 
>> (Intercept)               ZMEAN_PA          ZDIVERSITY_PA 
>            0.07342198            -0.39650356            -0.36569488           
>  -0.09435788 > coefficients(lm.ridge(ZDEPRESSION ~ ZMEAN_PA * ZDIVERSITY_PA, 
>            0.07342198            -0.39650356            -0.36569488           
>  -0.09435788 The equivalent from SPSS is attached. The unstandardized 
> coefficients in SPSS look nothing like those in R. The standardized 
> coefficients in SPSS match the lm.ridge()$coef numbers very closely indeed, 
> suggesting that the same algorithm may be in use. 
> I have put the dataset file, which is the untouched original I received from 
> the authors, in this Dropbox folder: 
> You can read it into R with this code (one variable needs to be standardized 
> and centered; everything else is already in the file): 
> s1 <- read.csv("Emodiversity_Study1.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
> Hey, maybe R is fine and I've stumbled on a bug in SPSS? If so, I'm sure IBM 
> will want to fix it quickly (ha ha ha). 
> Nick 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "peter dalgaard" <> 
> To: "Nick Brown" <> 
> Cc: "Simon Bonner" <>, 
> Sent: Friday, 5 May, 2017 10:02:10 AM 
> Subject: Re: [Rd] lm() gives different results to lm.ridge() and SPSS 
> I asked you before, but in case you missed it: Are you looking at the right 
> place in SPSS output? 
> The UNstandardized coefficients should be comparable to R, i.e. the "B" 
> column, not "Beta". 
> -pd 
>> On 5 May 2017, at 01:58 , Nick Brown <> wrote: 
>> Hi Simon, 
>> Yes, if I uses coefficients() I get the same results for lm() and 
>> lm.ridge(). So that's consistent, at least. 
>> Interestingly, the "wrong" number I get from lm.ridge()$coef agrees with the 
>> value from SPSS to 5dp, which is an interesting coincidence if these numbers 
>> have no particular external meaning in lm.ridge(). 
>> Kind regards, 
>> Nick 
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Simon Bonner" <> 
>> To: "Nick Brown" <>, 
>> Sent: Thursday, 4 May, 2017 7:07:33 PM 
>> Subject: RE: [Rd] lm() gives different results to lm.ridge() and SPSS 
>> Hi Nick, 
>> I think that the problem here is your use of $coef to extract the 
>> coefficients of the ridge regression. The help for lm.ridge states that coef 
>> is a "matrix of coefficients, one row for each value of lambda. Note that 
>> these are not on the original scale and are for use by the coef method." 
>> I ran a small test with simulated data, code is copied below, and indeed the 
>> output from lm.ridge differs depending on whether the coefficients are 
>> accessed via $coef or via the coefficients() function. The latter does 
>> produce results that match the output from lm. 
>> I hope that helps. 
>> Cheers, 
>> Simon 
>> ## Load packages 
>> library(MASS) 
>> ## Set seed 
>> set.seed(8888) 
>> ## Set parameters 
>> n <- 100 
>> beta <- c(1,0,1) 
>> sigma <- .5 
>> rho <- .75 
>> ## Simulate correlated covariates 
>> Sigma <- matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),ncol=2) 
>> X <- mvrnorm(n,c(0,0),Sigma=Sigma) 
>> ## Simulate data 
>> mu <- beta[1] + X %*% beta[-1] 
>> y <- rnorm(n,mu,sigma) 
>> ## Fit model with lm() 
>> fit1 <- lm(y ~ X) 
>> ## Fit model with lm.ridge() 
>> fit2 <- lm.ridge(y ~ X) 
>> ## Compare coefficients 
>> cbind(fit1$coefficients,c(NA,fit2$coef),coefficients(fit2)) 
>> [,1] [,2] [,3] 
>> (Intercept) 0.99276001 NA 0.99276001 
>> X1 -0.03980772 -0.04282391 -0.03980772 
>> X2 1.11167179 1.06200476 1.11167179 
>> -- 
>> Simon Bonner 
>> Assistant Professor of Environmetrics/ Director MMASc 
>> Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences/Department of Biology 
>> University of Western Ontario 
>> Office: Western Science Centre rm 276 
>> Email: | Telephone: 519-661-2111 x88205 | Fax: 519-661-3813 
>> Twitter: @bonnerstatslab | Website: 
>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>> From: R-devel [] On Behalf Of Nick 
>>> Brown 
>>> Sent: May 4, 2017 10:29 AM 
>>> To: 
>>> Subject: [Rd] lm() gives different results to lm.ridge() and SPSS 
>>> Hallo, 
>>> I hope I am posting to the right place. I was advised to try this list by 
>>> Ben Bolker 
>>> ( I also posted this 
>>> question to StackOverflow 
>>> ( 
>>> from-lm-ridgelambda-0). I am a relative newcomer to R, but I wrote my first 
>>> program in 1975 and have been paid to program in about 15 different 
>>> languages, so I have some general background knowledge. 
>>> I have a regression from which I extract the coefficients like this: 
>>> lm(y ~ x1 * x2, data=ds)$coef 
>>> That gives: x1=0.40, x2=0.37, x1*x2=0.09 
>>> When I do the same regression in SPSS, I get: 
>>> beta(x1)=0.40, beta(x2)=0.37, beta(x1*x2)=0.14. 
>>> So the main effects are in agreement, but there is quite a difference in 
>>> the 
>>> coefficient for the interaction. 
>>> X1 and X2 are correlated about .75 (yes, yes, I know - this model wasn't my 
>>> idea, but it got published), so there is quite possibly something going on 
>>> with 
>>> collinearity. So I thought I'd try lm.ridge() to see if I can get an idea 
>>> of where 
>>> the problems are occurring. 
>>> The starting point is to run lm.ridge() with lambda=0 (i.e., no ridge 
>>> penalty) and 
>>> check we get the same results as with lm(): 
>>> lm.ridge(y ~ x1 * x2, lambda=0, data=ds)$coef 
>>> x1=0.40, x2=0.37, x1*x2=0.14 
>>> So lm.ridge() agrees with SPSS, but not with lm(). (Of course, lambda=0 is 
>>> the 
>>> default, so it can be omitted; I can alternate between including or 
>>> deleting 
>>> ".ridge" in the function call, and watch the coefficient for the 
>>> interaction 
>>> change.) 
>>> What seems slightly strange to me here is that I assumed that lm.ridge() 
>>> just 
>>> piggybacks on lm() anyway, so in the specific case where lambda=0 and there 
>>> is no "ridging" to do, I'd expect exactly the same results. 
>>> Unfortunately there are 34,000 cases in the dataset, so a "minimal" reprex 
>>> will 
>>> not be easy to make, but I can share the data via Dropbox or something if 
>>> that 
>>> would help. 
>>> I appreciate that when there is strong collinearity then all bets are off 
>>> in terms 
>>> of what the betas mean, but I would really expect lm() and lm.ridge() to 
>>> give 
>>> the same results. (I would be happy to ignore SPSS, but for the moment it's 
>>> part of the majority!) 
>>> Thanks for reading, 
>>> Nick 
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