On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 5:24 AM, Lionel Henry <lio...@rstudio.com> wrote:

> On 31 janv. 2018, at 09:08, Gabriel Becker <gmbec...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> > it *actively discourages* the bits it doesn't directly support.
> It may be discouraging to include Rd syntax in roxygen docs but only
> because the LaTeX-like syntax of Rd is burdensome, not because of
> roxygen. It is still handy to have inlined Rd as a backup and we do
> use it for the cases where we need finer grained control.

I only somewhat agree with this. Part of it is the Rd specifically, I
agree, but part of it is just the fact that it is a different syntax at
all. People who write roxygen documentation tend to think about and write
it in roxygen, I think. Any switch out to another syntax, thus introducing
two syntaxes side-by-side, is discouraged by the very fact that they are
thinking in roxygen comments.

Again, this is a "discouragement", not a disallowing. I know that people
who care deeply about writing absolutely top notch documentation, and who
also use roxygen will do the switch when called for, but the path of least
resistance, i.e. the pattern of behavior that is *encouraged* by roxygen2
is to not do that, and simply write documentation using only the supported
roxygen2 tags. I'm not saying this makes the system bad, per se. As I
pointed out, I use it in many of my packages (and it was my choice to do
so, not because I inherited code from someone who already did), but
pretending it doesn't encourage certain types of behavior doesn't seem like
the right way to go either.

> I agree with your sentiment that roxygen encourages writing of
> documentation for time-constrained users.

I do think it does that, but that was really only half of what I said, I
said it encourages time constrained users to write middling (i.e. not
great) documentation. Another person pointed out that structurally it
really encourages terseness in the explanations of parameters, which I
think is very true and have heard independently from others when talking
about it as well. This is again not a requirement, but it is a real thing.

> I'll add that the major problem of documentation is not fancy
> formatting but the content getting out of sync with the codebase.
> Having documentation sitting next to the code is the preferred
> antidote to doc rot, e.g. docstrings in lisp languages, Julia and
> Python, the Linux kernel-doc system, doxygen, javadoc, ...

I mean, it is *an *antidote to doc rot. And sure, one that is used
elsewhere. You could easily imagine one that didn't require it though.
Perhaps doc files associated with objects (including closures) could embed
a hash of the object they document, then you could see which things have
changed since the documentation was updated and look at which documentation
is still ok and which needs updating. That's just off the top of my head,
I'm sure you could make the detection much more sophisticated.

Or perhaps you could imagine two help systems, akin to --help and man for
command line tools, one of which is minimalist showing usage, etc,
generated by roxygen comments, and one of which is much more extensive, and
not tied to (what could be extremely large) comments in the same .R file as
the code.


> It is true that R CMD check extensive checks help a lot as well in
> this regard though only for things that can be checked automatically.
> Best,
> Lionel

Gabriel Becker, PhD
Scientist (Bioinformatics)
Genentech Research

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