John Sorkin wrote:
> Frank,
> I believe you are proving my point. The difference is not so much the 
> language as the end users. I use SAS, R, and SPlus on a regular basis. For 
> some analyses, SAS is easiest to use, for some R (or SPlus). I can be just as 
> dangerous using SAS and I can be with R if I don't think about what I am 
> doing and not only check the assumptions of my models, but also pay attention 
> to the results of the checks. You see problems with SAS data sets because you 
> know what to look for and take the trouble to look for problems. When R (or 
> SPlus) becomes commonly used by the great unwashed public, the number of 
> poorly done analyses in these languages will increase. The basic problem with 
> statistical software is that by making analyses easy to do, they allow anyone 
> to do analyses. When an unprepared person sets about doing a complex task 
> that should demand proper training and experience bad things happen quickly, 
> and with high probability.
> In any event, regardless of which side of the argument members of the R 
> listserver might take, we are all deeply in your debt for the many 
> contributions you have made not only to the R environment, but also to the R 
> listserver. On behalf of the entire R community, thank you.

We'll have to have a friendly but strong disagreement about this.  I've 
watched statisticians work too many times to not believe that many will 
take the expedient route (e.g., assume linearity) when using 
non-flexible or non-powerful software (e.g., SAS).  And I don't find 
errors in the data usually because I know the data.  I find errors 
because I can say things like

  datadensity(mydata)   # show all raw data in small rug plots  # postage-stamp size histograms of all 
variables in dataset
  latex(describe(mydata)) # like PROC UNIVARIATE but shows MUCH more 
information in MUCH less space, including a high-resolution histogram 
next to the tabular info for each variable

I do agree with your comment about making things easy to do.

> With greatest respect and thanks,

Thanks very much for the kind words John.



> John
> John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
> Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
> University of Maryland School of Medicine Division of Gerontology
> Baltimore VA Medical Center
> 10 North Greene Street
> GRECC (BT/18/GR)
> Baltimore, MD 21201-1524
> (Phone) 410-605-7119
> (Fax) 410-605-7913 (Please call phone number above prior to faxing)
>>>> Frank E Harrell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/7/2008 6:41 PM >>>
> John Sorkin wrote:
>> I fear I risk being viewed as something of a curmudgeon, but the truth must 
>> be stated. S-Plus, R, SAS, etc. are all similar in that they are all tools 
>> to an end and not an end in themselves. Any one of the three can do most 
>> statistical analyses one might want to do. I could point out the strengths 
>> of  any one of the programming environments, but to be fair I would then be 
>> required to point out each platform's weaknesses. In the end, what matters 
>> is the quality and abilities of the person who uses the tools, not the tools 
>> themselves. I don't think you can make a fair statement that any one is 
>> absolutely better than the other. 
>> John 
> John - I must respectfully disagree at least in part.  I have noticed 
> that SAS users are far more likely to assume linearity in doing 
> regression modeling, because SAS makes it so difficult to specify that 
> you want an unknown smooth function of a covariate in a model.  SAS 
> users are also less likely to bootstrap and to validate statistical 
> models because it's such a pain to do those in SAS.  Also when I get SAS 
> datasets from companies that have paid a fortune to a SAS-based contract 
> research organization, I can quickly spot major data errors using S 
> graphics; these errors were missed by all the SAS users because of poor 
> graphics.
> Frank
>> John Sorkin M.D., Ph.D.
>> Chief, Biostatistics and Informatics
>> University of Maryland School of Medicine Division of Gerontology
>> Baltimore VA Medical Center
>> 10 North Greene Street
>> GRECC (BT/18/GR)
>> Baltimore, MD 21201-1524
>> (Phone) 410-605-7119
>> (Fax) 410-605-7913 (Please call phone number above prior to faxing)
>>>>> Jeffrey J. Hallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/7/2008 4:09 PM >>>
>> SAS programming is easy if everything you want to do fits easily into the
>> row-at-a-time DATA step paradigm.  If it doesn't, you have to write macros,
>> which are an abomination.  DATA step statements and macros are entirely
>> different programming languages, with one doing evaluations at "compile" 
>> time,
>> and the other at "run" time.  Except that that's not really true, either,
>> witness the 'call symput()' construct.  
>> Then, if you want to interact at all with the user, you need to learn SCL, a
>> third language, with it's own rules.  And to do anything sophisticated with a
>> user interface (which will still look like hell), you have to learn the SAS
>> A/F toolkit built on SCL.  And of course, A/F requires you to think
>> differently yet again.
>> So, to be a competent and versatile SAS programmer, you have to learn four
>> languages and four paradigms, and keep them all straight in your head while
>> programming.  Of course, hardly anyone can do this, so you usually find 
>> stacks
>> of reference documentation close at hand when you visit a SAS programmer's
>> office.
>> R and Splus don't offer much in the way of GUI programming, but for problems
>> that don't require a lot of GUI, it's very nice.  You learn one language, 
>> it's
>> quite forgiving, it's interpreted and usually easy to debug, and the programs
>> you end up with are far more readable and maintainable than anything a SAS
>> programmer can turn out.  Reading my own SAS code is bad, and reading someone
>> else's is torture. 
>> Do I sound like an R bigot?  Actually, I'm a Smalltalk bigot, which is even
>> nicer than R.  But R is quite usable for most things I do, and I use 
>> Smalltalk
>> for GUI-intensive stuff.  Speaking as a programmer, SAS is awful. 

Frank E Harrell Jr   Professor and Chair           School of Medicine
                      Department of Biostatistics   Vanderbilt University

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