On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Andrew Barr wrote:

Hi all,

I am having trouble assigning a value within a vector using a variable
defined within a function.  I suspect this has something to do with
namespaces but I cannot figure it out. Please reply directly to me if you
can help.

###begin code
#simple vector

#simple function to get a value from a vector
#works just like I would expect, has no problem indexing using the local
function variable name "index"


But, but , but that just the "[" function.

> test<-c(4,5,6)
> `[`(test, 2)
[1] 5

#another simple function to update the value in a vector
test[index]<- 20
#The update() function silently fails to accomplish the update

More "buts", ... that's just the "[<-" function with a constant 20 or perhaps it's an unsuccessful effort to make one.

> test[2] <- 20 # which gets parsed to something like `[<-`(test, 2, 20)
> `[<-`(test, 2, 20)
[1]  4 20  6
> test
[1]  4 20  6


I don't understand why the function has no problem accessing the value, but
cannot accomplish the assignment.

Scoping. You made an assignment inside a function and then did not return a full object that was assignable as "test". Look what happens if you do an assignment of the returned value of your function

> newtest <-  update(2)
> newtest
[1] 20

I need to be able to update vectors using
index values which I pass from within a function.

Pass the object to the function and return what you want. If you want the original to be altered, then do it like:

test <- modfn(test) # which is slightly more general than `[<-`(test, 2, 20)

But do it with:
return(test) }

at the end of the operations, i.e., return the full object, not just its second element.

Thanks for your help.

Andrew Barr

David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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