Hello again,

I have found that if I use sapply, I do not get a warning, i.e.,
  lbl1 = sapply(d[,var1],label)
works correctly and gives no warning.

I'm sorry this did not occur to me earlier, my apologies!


On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Krishna Tateneni <taten...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm attempting to create a data frame with correlations between every pair
> of variables in a data frame, so that I can then sort by the value of the
> correlation coefficient and see which pairs of variables are most strongly
> correlated.
> The sm2vec function in the corpcor library works very nicely as shown here:
> library(Hmisc)
> library(corpcor)
> # Create example data
> x1 = runif(50)
> x2 = runif(50)
> x3 = runif(50)
> d = data.frame(x1=x1,x2=x2,x3=x3)
> label(d$x1) = "Variable x1"
> label(d$x2) = "Variable x2"
> label(d$x3) = "Variable x3"
> # Get correlations
> cormat = cor(d)
> # Get vector form of lower triangular elements
> cors = sm2vec(cormat,diag=F)
> inds = sm.index(cormat,diag=F)
> # Create a data frame
> var1 = dimnames(cormat)[[1]][inds[,1]]
> var2 = dimnames(cormat)[[2]][inds[,2]]
> lbl1 = label(d[,var1])
> lbl2 = label(d[,var2])
> cor_df = data.frame(Var1=lbl1,Var2=lbl2,Cor=cors)
> The issue that I run into is when trying to get the labels in lbl1 and
> lbl2.  I get the warning:
> In mapply(FUN = label, x = x, default = default, MoreArgs = list(self =
> TRUE),  :
>   longer argument not a multiple of length of shorter
> My usage of label seems ambiguous since the data frame could also a label
> attached to it, aside from labels attached to variables within the data
> frame.  However, the code above does work, with the warning.  Aside from
> using a loop to get the label of one variable at a time, is there any other
> way of getting the labels for all variables in the data frame?
> Also, if there is a better way to achieve my goal of getting the
> correlations between all variable pairs, I'd love to know.
> Thanks in advance for any responses!
> --Krishna

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