Dear Robert,
thanks so much!!!  Now I understand!
So you also think that I have to check only the residuals and not the data 
Now just for curiosity I did the the shapiro test on the residuals. The problem 
is that on fit3 I don´t get from the test
that the data are normally distribuited. Why? Here the data:

> shapiro.test(residuals(fit1))

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  residuals(fit1) 
W = 0.9848, p-value = 0.05693

#Here the test is ok: the test says that the data are distributed normally 
(p-value greather than 0.05)

> shapiro.test(residuals(fit2))

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  residuals(fit2) 
W = 0.9853, p-value = 0.06525

#Here the test is ok: the test says that the data are distributed normally 
(p-value greather than 0.05)

> shapiro.test(residuals(fit3))

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  residuals(fit3) 
W = 0.9621, p-value = 0.0001206

Now the test reveals p-value lower than 0.05: so the residuals for fit3 are not 
distributed normally....
Why I get this beheaviour? Indeed in the histogram and Q-Q plot for fit3 
residuals I get a normal distribution.

From: Robert Baer <>

Sent: Wed, January 5, 2011 8:56:50 PM
Subject: Re: [R] Assumptions for ANOVA: the right way to check the normality

> Someone suggested me that I don´t have to check the normality of the data, but
> the normality of the residuals I get after the fitting of the  linear model.
> I really ask you to help me to understand this point as I don´t find enough
> material online where to solve it.

Try the following:
# using your scrd data and your proposed models
fit1<- lm(response ~ stimulus + condition + stimulus:condition, data=scrd)
fit2<- lm(response ~ stimulus + condition, data=scrd)
fit3<- lm(response ~ condition, data=scrd)

# Set up for 6 plots on 1 panel
op = par(mfrow=c(2,3))

# residuals function extracts residuals
# Visual inspection is a good start for checking normality
# You get a much better feel than from some "magic number" statistic

# especially qqnorm() plots which are linear for normal data

# Restore plot parameters

> If the data are not normally distributed I have to use the kruskal wallys test
> and not the please help
> me to understand.

Indeed - Kruskal-Wallis is a good test to use for one factor data that is 
ordinal so it is a good alternative to your fit3.
Your "response" seems to be a discrete variable rather than a continuous 
You must decide if it is reasonable to approximate it with a normal 
which is by definition continuous.

> I make a numerical example, could you please tell me if the data in this table
> are normally distributed or not?
> Help!
> number                  stimulus condition response
> 1             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 2             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 3             flat_550_W_realism         A        5
> 4             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 5             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 6             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 7             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 8             flat_550_W_realism         A        5
> 9             flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 10            flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 11            flat_550_W_realism         A        5
> 12            flat_550_W_realism         A        7
> 13            flat_550_W_realism         A        5
> 14            flat_550_W_realism         A        2
> 15            flat_550_W_realism         A        3
> 16            flat_550_W_realism        AH        7
> 17            flat_550_W_realism        AH        4
> 18            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 19            flat_550_W_realism        AH        3
> 20            flat_550_W_realism        AH        6
> 21            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 22            flat_550_W_realism        AH        3
> 23            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 24            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 25            flat_550_W_realism        AH        7
> 26            flat_550_W_realism        AH        2
> 27            flat_550_W_realism        AH        7
> 28            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 29            flat_550_W_realism        AH        5
> 30         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        1
> 31         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        3
> 32         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        5
> 33         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        1
> 34         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        3
> 35         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        2
> 36         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        5
> 37         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 38         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 39         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 40         bump_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 41         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        3
> 42         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
> 43         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        1
> 44         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
> 45         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        4
> 46         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        4
> 47         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
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> 49         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        3
> 50         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        4
> 51         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
> 52         bump_2_step_W_realism        AH        4
> 53         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        3
> 54         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        3
> 55         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 56         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        1
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> 58         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        3
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> 64         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        5
> 65         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        1
> 66         hole_2_step_W_realism         A        4
> 67         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        7
> 68         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
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> 70         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        1
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> 76         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
> 77         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        5
> 78         hole_2_step_W_realism        AH        6
> 79     bump_2_heel_toe_W_realism         A        3
> 80     bump_2_heel_toe_W_realism         A        3
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> 104    bump_2_heel_toe_W_realism        AH        5
> 105    hole_2_heel_toe_W_realism         A        3
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> 122    hole_2_heel_toe_W_realism        AH        5
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> 149 hole_2_combination_W_realism         A        5
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> 160 hole_2_combination_W_realism         A        1
> 161 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        7
> 162 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        5
> 163 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        3
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> 171 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        6
> 172 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        2
> 173 hole_2_combination_W_realism        AH        4
> Thanks in advance
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