You may also be interested in the "psych" package or possibly 
"mvtBinaryEP".  I found these using "sos":

tc <- findFn('tetrachoric correlation') # 26 matches
tcs <- findFn('tetrachoric correlations')#27 matches
tc. <- tc|tcs
summary(tc.) # 35 links in 5 pkgs

       All but 3 of the 35 links are to "psych", and 2 of the remaining 
3 are to two different copies of "mvtBinaryEP".  You might also Google 
for "tetrachoric correlation".

# OR:
u <- findFn('uniformly distributed correlated data') # 3 matches

       Hope this helps.

On 2/19/2011 9:21 PM, Jorge Ivan Velez wrote:
> Hi Soren,
> Take a look at
> HTH,
> Jorge
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 9:17 PM, Søren Faurby<>  wrote:
>> I wish to generate a vector of uniformly distributed data with a defined
>> correlation to another vector
>> The only function I have been able to find doing something similar is
>> corgen from the library ecodist.
>> The following code generates data with the desired correlation to the
>> vector x but the resulting vector y is normal and not uniform distributed
>> library(ecodist)
>> x<- runif(10^5)
>> y<- corgen(x=x, r=.5)$y
>> Do anyone know a similar function generating uniform distributed data or a
>> way of transforming y to the desired distribution while keeping the
>> correlation between x and y
>> Kind regards, Soren
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