Dear R-community,

I'd like to ask you a question concerning R again. I try to keep this simple 
because I am not willing to confuse you at all.

I have a little data frame which I have created the following way:

a <-c(1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6)
df <,b))

Now in the next step I would have liked to create smaller dataframes where the 
data have been extracted (basically splitted) from the main 'df' dataframe 
according to the numbers in df$a. Something like this:
a b
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5

a  b
2  6
2  7
2  8
2  9
2 10

a  b
3 11
3 12
3 13
3 14
3 15

a  b
4 16
4 17
4 18
4 19
4 20


It is not quite difficult to do this part. But!! I also want that the name of 
each and every small dataframe should refer to the fact that according to which 
number in df$a have I selected the data in df$b.

For example:

df.1 meaning I have only chosen those numbers in df$b which have value "1" in 

a b
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5

df.2 meaning I have only chosen those numbers in df$b which have value "2" in 

a  b
2  6
2  7
2  8
2  9
2 10

df.3 meaning I have only chosen those numbers in df$b which have value "3" in 
a  b
3 11
3 12
3 13
3 14
3 15

I know it would not be difficult to do this in this way:
df.1 <-split(df,df$a)[[1]]
df.2 <-split(df,df$a)[[2]]
df.3 <-split(df,df$a)[[3]]
df.4 <-split(df,df$a)[[4]]

But as a matter of fact, my real df dataframe consists of more than 4400 
records so it is impossible to do this "manually" for a numerous times with the 
previously mentioned split function.

I wanted to use loops and managing the problem in the following (wrong) way:
for (i in 1:6)
    df.i <-split(df,df$a)[[i]]

After I wanted to enter df.1, df.2, etc... R sent me the message:
Error: object 'df.1' not found.

However, it recognized df.i and listed following:
   a  b
6 26
6 27
6 28
6 29
6 30

Can you help me with this matter? I wonder if there is a proper way to do this 
which I haven't figured out yet...

Thank you very much and have a pleasant weekend,
Laszlo Bodnar

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