Brian and Duncan. Thank you for your help. What I actually am trying to
install is fPortfolioSolver, and symphony is the only package I am missing
in order to be able to complete the installation. Do you know by any chance
what could I do about this?

Thank you
Felipe Parra

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Prof Brian Ripley <>wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>  On 11-03-28 6:41 PM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
>>> Duncan I have been trying to work out the solution you gave me but I
>>> haven't really got to sort it out. I tried first the option with install
>>> packages and got this:
>>>  > filename <- file.choose()
>>>  > filename
>>> [1]
>>> "C:\\Users\\Hp\\Documents\\R\\win-library\\2.12\\Rsymphony_0.1-12.tar.gz
>>>  > install.packages(filename,  type="source", repos=NULL)
>>> Installing package(s) into ‘C:\Users\Hp\Documents/R/win-library/2.12’
>>> (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
>>> * installing *source* package 'Rsymphony' ...
>>> ERROR: configuration failed for package 'Rsymphony'
>> This is the important message.  It says Rsymphony can't be installed on
>> your system, because you're missing something it needs.  You might get more
>> information if you run this on the command line, but basically you need to
>> read the system requirements for the package and follow them. The one I see
>> when I look at it on CRAN is:
>> SYMPHONY for Windows (sources included for other OSes)
>> If you don't have that, then you won't be able to install this package on
>> Windows.
> And for 32-bit Windows, no one has succeeded in building SYMPHONY with the
> current toolchain.  We did succeed with an earlier toolchain, but as
> SYMPHONY is a C++ API, that is incompatible.
> It is possible to build Rsymphony on 64-bit Windows, using the binary build
> of SYMPHONY at
> (which needed source modifications).
>> Duncan Murdoch
>>  * removing 'C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony'
>>> Mensajes de aviso perdidos
>>> 1: running command 'C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-212~1.2/bin/i386/R CMD INSTALL -l
>>> "C:\Users\Hp\Documents/R/win-library/2.12"
>>> "C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony_0.1-12.tar.gz"' had
>>> status 1
>>> 2: In install.packages(filename, type = "source", repos = NULL) :
>>>   installation of package
>>> 'C:/Users/Hp/Documents/R/win-library/2.12/Rsymphony_0.1-12.tar.gz' had
>>> non-zero exit status
>>> "
>>>  >
>>> Then about the CMD window I also tried to use it but I cannot get it to
>>> recognize the command for me. It always tells me "R" it is an
>>> unrecognized command. I am new to all this about tar.gz files and
>>> running commands directly in the CMD windowf, so could you please be
>>> more specific with me. Thank you
>>> Felipe Parra
>>> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:47 PM, Duncan Murdoch
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>    On 28/03/2011 8:04 AM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
>>>        Thanks Duncan, I already installed Rtools but I don't know well
>>>        how to sort
>>>        it out. I tried the command you gave me and got the following
>>> error:
>>>         >  install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type="source",
>>>        repos=NULL)
>>>        Installing package(s) into
>>>        ‘C:\Users\Hp\Documents/R/win-library/2.12’
>>>        (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
>>>        Aviso: invalid package 'fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz'
>>>        Error: ERROR: no packages specified
>>>        Mensajes de aviso perdidos
>>>        1: running command 'C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-212~1.2/bin/i386/R CMD
>>>        INSTALL -l
>>>        "C:\Users\Hp\Documents/R/win-library/2.12"
>>>        "fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz"' had
>>>        status 1
>>>        2: In install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type =
>>>        "source",  :
>>>           installation of package 'fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz' had
>>>        non-zero exit status
>>>         >
>>>        Do you know what might be going on or  where I can find a manual
>>>        of how to
>>>        use Rtools? Thank you
>>>    The likely problem is that you didn't give the full path to the
>>>    tar.gz file.  If it is not in the working directory, that
>>>    install.packages command will fail.
>>>    An easy way to get the path is to use
>>>    filename <- file.choose()
>>>    which brings up a Windows dialog; go search for the file, and its
>>>    name will be saved in the filename variable.  Then use
>>>    install.packages(filename,  type="source", repos=NULL).
>>>    Duncan Murdoch
>>>        Felipe Parra
>>>        On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Duncan
>>>        Murdoch<
>>>        <>>wrote:
>>>         >  On 28/03/2011 7:30 AM, Luis Felipe Parra wrote:
>>>         >
>>>         >>  Hello I have downloaded the fPortfolioSolver package from
>>>        R-forge but I
>>>         >>  have
>>>         >>  not been able to install it. I don't know exactly where I
>>>        should place the
>>>         >>  file and which commands to give R. Could somebody please
>>>        help me with
>>>         >>  this.
>>>         >>  Thank you
>>>         >>
>>>         >
>>>         >  A .tar.gz file contains the source for the package, so you
>>>        need to process
>>>         >  it into a binary format to install it.  For simple packages
>>>        you can do this
>>>         >  in recent versions of R using
>>>         >
>>>         >  install.packages("fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz", type="source",
>>>        repos=NULL)
>>>         >
>>>         >  but if it contains compiled code, you'll probably need to
>>>        install tools
>>>         >  first.  See the R Installation and Administration Manual for
>>>        full details;
>>>         >  the tools are downloadable
>>>        from<>.
>>>         >   Once the tools are properly installed, the above line
>>>        should work.
>>>         >
>>>         >  The other way to do it is from a CMD window (not in R),
>>> running
>>>         >
>>>         >  R CMD INSTALL fPortfolioSolver.tar.gz
>>>         >
>>>         >  This is equivalent to the R command above, but is sometimes
>>>        easier to set
>>>         >  up, because you can easily modify your PATH variable in the
>>>        CMD window.
>>>         >
>>>         >  Duncan
>>>         >
>>> --
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> Brian D. Ripley,        
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