
On 5/04/2011 9:30 p.m., guillaume Le Ray wrote:
Hi Al,

I'm facing exactly the same problem as you are, have you manage to
fix it? If yes I eager to know the trick.

Al's problem turned out to be a bug in 'grImport', so one thing you can try is to install the latest version of 'grImport'.

If that still fails, you might be able to get more information about the problem by looking at the end of the XML file that is created by PostScriptTrace(). If ghostscript has hit trouble it's error messages will hopefully be at the end of that XML file.




2011/3/27 Al Roark<hrbuil...@hotmail.com>

Paul Murrell<p.murrell<at>  auckland.ac.nz>  writes:


On 28/03/2011 8:13 a.m., Al Roark wrote:

Hi All: I've been struggling for a while trying to get grImport
up and running.  I'm on a Windows 7 (home premium 64 bit)
machine running R-2.12.2 along with GPL Ghostscript 9.01. I've
set my Windows PATH variable to point to the Ghostscript \bin
and \lib directories, and I've created the R_GSCMD environment
variable pointing to gswin32c.exe. I don't have any experience
with Ghostscript, but with the setup described above I can view
the postscript file with the following command to the Windows
command prompt: gswin32c.exe D:\Sndbx\vasarely.ps However, I
can't get the PostScriptTrace() function to work on the same
file.  Submitting PostScriptTrace("D:/Sndbx/vasarely.ps") gives
me the error: Error in PostScriptTrace("D:/Sndbx/vasarely.ps")
:   status 127 in running command 'gswin32c.exe -q -dBATCH
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pswrite

-sstdout=vasarely.ps.xml capturevasarely.ps' Your suggestions are
much appreciated. Cheers, Al [[alternative HTML version

You could try running the ghostscript command that is printed in
the error message at the Windows command prompt to see more info
about the problem (might need to remove the '-q' so that
ghostscript prints messages to the screen).


Thanks for your reply.

Perhaps this is a Ghostscript problem. When I run the Ghostscript
command, I'm met with the rather unhelpful error: 'GPL Ghostscript
9.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 (occurs whether or not I
remove the -q)'.

Interestingly, if I remove the final argument (in this case,
capturevasarely.ps) the Ghostscript command executes, placing a
file (appears to be xml) in the temporary directory. However, I'm
not sure what to do with this result.

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