On 04.05.2011 19:22, Matías Ramírez Salgado wrote:
The package is called: "adapt" (adapt_1.0-4.tgz is the version of
package for mac, search it in google)
is not in all CRAN servers, because is an old package.

Yes, there is a reason why the package was archived (which I said already!): It does not pass the checks for new versions of R.

Either get a source version from the archives of CRAN and try to install it from sources (which may require fixes) or use another package that provides similar features such as

     - R2Cuba
     - cubature

Uwe Ligges

I tried to install it from package manager as CRAN (binaries), Other
repositorys, and as a local source packages, and allways returns this

[Workspace restored from /Users/matiashernanramirezsalgado/.RData]
Durante la inicializaci'on - Mensajes de aviso perdidos
1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"
2: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C"
3: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C"
* installing *binary* package 'adapt' ...

* DONE (adapt)
 > library(adapt)
Error: package 'adapt' was built before R 2.10.0: please re-install it

2011/5/4 Uwe Ligges <lig...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de

    On 04.05.2011 09:19, Andrew Robinson wrote:


        Is there such a package?

    There was such a package that is archived now.

        I can't find it on CRAN.  Can you let us
        know exactly how you tried to install it, and what the error message
        was (if any)?

    The OP is probably looking for packages such as
    - R2Cuba
    - cubature

    Uwe Ligges



        On Wed, May 04, 2011 at 01:29:37AM -0300, Mat?as Ram?rez Salgado


            How i can install the package "adapt" in some version of R
            for mac?

            i try in 2.13, 2.9,2.7 and other previous versions... and
            nothing happens.

            and another question: There are some packages that do the
            same but that it
            is implemented for mac? (calculate integrals in 2 or more

            help me please, it's for an important work.


            Mat?as Hern?n Ram?rez Salgado.
            Estudiante de Estad?stica.
            Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile.

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Matías Hernán Ramírez Salgado.
Estudiante de Estadística.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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