On Oct 21, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 21 Oct 2011, David Winsemius wrote:

What problem are you trying to solve?

What I need now is to compare TDS (total dissolved solids) with specific conductivity and the ions that are normally comprise TDS. Before running any regression models I need to look at these data from three points of view: all data from all sites within each hydrographic drainage basin collected during the past 30 years; average (or total) concentrations (not yet decided on what makes the most ecological sense) within a stream having multiple
collection sites; and by site within certain streams.

 Here is the data frame structure:

'data.frame':   47244 obs. of  6 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 143 levels "BC-0.5","BC-1",..: 134 134 134 127 127
 $ sampdate: Date, format: "2006-12-06" "2006-12-06" ...
$ param : Factor w/ 66 levels "AGP","ANP","ANP/AGP",..: 58 66 12 24 59 66 $ quant : num 1.08e+04 7.95 1.80e-02 2.80e+02 1.90e+01 8.44 1.62e +03
 $ stream  : Factor w/ 24 levels "BCrk","CCrk",..: 4 4 4 21 21 21 4
$ basin : Factor w/ 2 levels "BasinEast","BasinWest": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 ...

The only variable in that dataframe with what appears to be a continuous value (which is how I would expect "total dissolved solids" to be measured) is "quant" Are you saying that the value of quant is measuring something with different units depending on the value of 'param' and that 'site' and 'date' shoud be used to identify associated measurements? This would appear to be the case based on what you are saying below.

If this is so the problem is to break apart the dataframe by type of measurement ('param') butone way would be to split into separate dataframes then merge back together by an appropriate linkage on site and date. I'm guessing that 'stream' and 'basin' are superfluous for the matching and can be later associated with 'site'?

The goal would be a dataframe with 7 renamed 'param' columns ('TDS', 'Cond', 'Mg', 'SO4', 'Cl', 'Na', and 'Ca') and two identifier columns ('site' and 'sampdate'. For the moment I would think you would want all the data together an not make any decisions about excluding NA values until you get an overall picture of the situation.

The first thing I would try would be

with(subset(chemdata, param %in% c('TDS', 'Cond', 'Mg', 'SO4', 'Cl', 'Na', and 'Ca') , 1:4) ,
     xtabs(quant ~ site + sampdate + param) )

You would get 7 tables One for each 'param' with up to 143 rows and as many columns as you have sampdates.

This might be a good use for package reshape2 since it generally returns a dataframe. The above operation would return an array with 3 dimensions. You might get immediate success with something like:

dcast( subset(chemdata, param %in% c('TDS', 'Cond', 'Mg', 'SO4', 'Cl', 'Na', and 'Ca') , 1:4) ,
     site + sampdate ~ param)
# the omitted varialble name should ent up in the values columns

To do your testing it might be wise to apply more selective use of subset. Perhaps on;u go for a few sites and dates.


While all the data sets used in the books I've read are simpler and well illustrate the analyses presented, what I've not read is guidance on how complex data sets could (or should) be partitioned into smaller but still related data sets to facilitate analyses. Or, how I extract the relevant
rows and columns for specific analyses.

That seems very unlikely. What we need is a clearer description of that values that your "param" variable can assume, and what you want to within categories of those values. We also need you to stop dropping context.

There are 66 different chemicals in the param factor. However, for the immediate effort, only 7 are needed. They are coded 'TDS', 'Cond', 'Mg',
'SO4', 'Cl', 'Na', and 'Ca'.

From the database table I know the number of non-NULL (non-NA) rows for
each parameter:

        TDS     2181
        Cond     820
        Mg      1120
        SO4     1980
        Cl      1971
        Na       866
        Ca      1110

Not all were required to be measured at all sites from the beginning in 1981. I do not yet know how many rows have non-NULL values for the 6 pairs
compared with TDS.

 If there's more information to provide I'll gladly do so.



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David Winsemius, MD
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