On 2011-12-14 18:32, Carl Witthoft wrote:
That only puts different colors on different axes.  I was wondering
about the (silly) possibility of having a range of colors for the ticks
on a given axis.

I think you would have to either hack the code or issue
several axis() calls, e.g.

  plot(1:9, 1:9, axes=FALSE, frame=TRUE)
  axis(1, at=c(1,4,7), col.ticks=2, lwd.ticks=2)
  axis(1, at=c(2,5,8), col.ticks=3, lwd.ticks=2)
  axis(1, at=c(3,6,9), col.ticks=4, lwd.ticks=2)

Add col.axis=yourColourChoice arguments if you also want
coloured labels.

Peter Ehlers

From: Hans W Borchers<hwborchers_at_googlemail.com>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:21:31 +0000
Carl Witthoft<carl<at>  witthoft.com>  writes:

  >  Hi,
  >  So far as I can tell, the 'col.ticks' parameter for axis() only uses the
  >  first value provided. E.g.:
  >  plot(0:1,0:1, col.ticks=c('blue','red','green')) #all ticks are blue
  >  Just wondering if there's a different option in the basic plot commands
  >  that can handle multiple colors, and also whether ggplot and/or lattice
  >  allow for multiple tick colors.
See `?axis' or try this:

      plot(0:1,0:1, type = "n", axes = FALSE)     box()
      axis(side=1, lwd.ticks = 2, col.ticks="blue")     axis(side=2,
lwd.ticks = 2, col.ticks="red")

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