Thank you  for your reply.

I didn't know what adjust methods can apply to log-rank tests.Or the kind
of  tests are just not relevant? SAS seems to use sidak
method to do  pairwise log-rank tests. which one is sidak method in
p.adjust methods?

# c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY",
#   "fdr", "none")

2011/12/27 David Winsemius <>

> On Dec 27, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Elliott wrote:
>  Hello R users:
>> I wonder if there are functions for multiple log-rank tests with adjusted
>> P-values. I found survdiff( ) only give pooled tests but
>> without pairwise ones.
> Klein and Moeschberger suggest Bonferroni as a starting point. Why not use
> p.adjust which would be a bit less conservative?
> David Winsemius, MD
> West Hartford, CT

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