
I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc comparisons on my lme model. I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my treatment levels. TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme. The only other code that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht specified with Tukey:

summary(glht(model, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey")))

Out of curiosity, I ran TukeyHSD and the glht code for a simple ANOVA and found that they had quite different p-values. If the glht code is not running TukeyHSD, what does the "Tukey" in the code specify? Is using glht code appropriate if I am interested in a substitute for TukeyHSD? Are there any other options for multiple comparisons for lme models? I am really interested in knowing if the Tukey contrasts generated from the glht code is providing me with appropriate p-values for my post-hoc comparisons.

I feel like I have reached a dead end and am not sure where else to look for information on this issue. I would be grateful for any feedback on this matter.

Anne Cheverie
M.Sc. Candidate
Dalhousie University

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