Hello Richard,
Thank you for all of your feedback and for introducing me to the interaction_average argument. I realize that it is probably quite simple, but after some research, I am still having difficulty understanding how the interaction_average argument changes the calculation of multiple comparisons. If you have a 2-way (A-2 levels, B-2 levels) ANOVA with a non-significant interaction term, then does interaction_average=FALSE mean that you are comparing A1 pooled over both levels of B to A2 pooled over both levels of B? When interaction_average=TRUE, does this mean that you are doing the same pooling as above, but that you are also subtracting the contribution of the interaction term from the levels of A that you are interested in comparing?

I am trying to decide if I should be using interaction_average=TRUE for post-hoc testing. Is it always appropriate to use interaction_average=TRUE when non-significant interaction terms are present in the model, or does it depend on your specific research questions? Alternatively, should you just remove non-significant interaction terms from the model?

Thank you,

Quoting "Richard M. Heiberger" <r...@temple.edu>:


Thank you for writing back, and for including your data.

I have two things here.  First, I ran an a analysis of your data and have
my observations
on interpretation.  Second, I answer your general question about glht and
TukeyHSD when there are interactions.
I illustrate how to get the same answer from glht with an example from your

## install.packages("HH")  ## if you do not already have it

Active <- read.table(textConnection("
Treatment Habitat    pActive
      1G       E 0.18541667
      1G       E 0.02500000
      1G       E 0.04208333
      1G       E 0.14847222
      1G       E 0.08055556
      1G       E 0.16777778
      1G       S 0.05111111
      1G       S 0.19083333
      1G       S 0.12333333
      1G       S 0.35722222
      1G       S 0.43750000
      1G       S 0.02638889
      1R       E 0.38736111
      1R       E 0.51180556
      1R       E 0.14916667
      1R       E 0.61041667
      1R       E 0.36013889
      1R       E 0.11347222
      1R       S 0.10805556
      1R       S 0.18722222
      1R       S 0.27625000
      1R       S 0.25236111
      1R       S 0.18208333
      1R       S 0.16152778
      2G       E 0.25916667
      2G       E 0.37194444
      2G       E 0.02263889
      2G       E 0.18402778
      2G       E 0.45750000
      2G       E 0.02250000
      2G       S 0.02958333
      2G       S 0.10069444
      2G       S 0.12875000
      2G       S 0.11361111
      2G       S 0.13680556
      2G       S 0.07875000
      2R       E 0.57513889
      2R       E 0.12888889
      2R       E 0.32000000
      2R       E 0.55736111
      2R       E 0.78888889
      2R       E 0.65055556
      2R       S 0.35527778
      2R       S 0.48361111
      2R       S 0.21361111
      2R       S 0.35277778
      2R       S 0.52611111
      2R       S 0.29416667
     R+G       E 0.37027778
     R+G       E 0.20263889
     R+G       E 0.07194444
     R+G       E 0.49041667
     R+G       E 0.21847222
     R+G       E 0.13555556
     R+G       S 0.20861111
     R+G       S 0.23986111
     R+G       S 0.02180556
     R+G       S 0.23250000
     R+G       S 0.28916667
     R+G       S 0.50208333
"), header=TRUE)
## close.connection()

logitAct <- logit(Active$pActive)
model3 <- aov(logitAct ~ Treatment*Habitat, data=Active)
summary(glht(model3, focus="Treatment", linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey")))
with(Active, table(Treatment, Habitat))

par(omd=c(0, .95, 0, 1))
model3.mmc <- glht.mmc(model3, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"))
plot(model3.mmc, ry=c(-2.75, 0.25), x.offset=.8)

##             1G  1R  2G  2R R+G
R.linear <- c(-1,  0,  -1,  2,  0 )
names(R.linear) <- c('1G', '1R', '2G', '2R', 'R+G')
lmat.R <- orthog.complete(as.matrix(R.linear))
dimnames(lmat.R)[[2]][1] <- "R.linear"

model3.mmc <- glht.mmc(model3, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"),
plot(model3.mmc, ry=c(-2.75, 0.25), x.offset=.8)
plot.matchMMC(model3.mmc$lmat, col.signif="blue")

Active$Treatment <- factor(Active$Treatment, levels=c('1G', '2G', 'R+G',
'1R', '2R'))
contrasts(Active$Treatment) <- lmat.R[c('1G', '2G', 'R+G', '1R', '2R'),]
model3g <- aov(logitAct ~ Treatment*Habitat, data=Active)
summary(model3g, split=list(Treatment=list(R.linear=1, rest=2:4)),

position(Active$Habitat) <- c(2, 4)
interaction2wt(logitAct ~ Treatment*Habitat, data=Active)

## from the above tables and graphs, it looks like the only thing
## going on in the data you posted is the linear effect of R.

## On your questions on glht and TukeyHSD.
## Without interactions or covariates they give the same answer.
## With interactions or covariates the default for glht is to give
different answers.
## The output from glht includes a warning to that effect.
## From ?glht
## Warning message:
## In mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
##   covariate interactions found -- default contrast might be inappropriate
## From ?glht, read about the interaction_average argument.
## With the glht argument interaction_average=TRUE, they give the same
## With your example,
summary(glht(model3, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey",
TukeyHSD(model3, which="Treatment")

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Anne Aubut <an438...@dal.ca> wrote:

Hello Richard,
Thank you so much for getting back to me.  In the ?glht example, the
confidence intervals are the same and the p-values are very similar.  I ran
a 2-way ANOVA and compared the results for the glht code with "Tukey" and
TukeyHSD for "Treatment", which was a significant main effect (output is
below).  I found that the p-values for glht and TukeyHSD differed quite a
bit.  If glht with "Tukey" is just another method to run Tukey HSD, I don't
understand why the two methods yeilded different results.  If they are not
equivalent, how is glht calculating the p-values?  I also ran my 2-way
ANOVA without the Treatment*Habitat interaction and I found that the glht
and TukeyHSD methods did provide the same p-values (I did not include this
output). Does this mean that glht is only equivalent to TukeyHSD when
non-significant interactions are removed? Should I be removing all of my
non-significant interaction terms prior to running post-hoc testing with

Treatment Habitat    pActive
      1G       E 0.18541667
      1G       E 0.02500000
      1G       E 0.04208333
      1G       E 0.14847222
      1G       E 0.08055556
      1G       E 0.16777778
      1G       S 0.05111111
      1G       S 0.19083333
      1G       S 0.12333333
      1G       S 0.35722222
      1G       S 0.43750000
      1G       S 0.02638889
      1R       E 0.38736111
      1R       E 0.51180556
      1R       E 0.14916667
      1R       E 0.61041667
      1R       E 0.36013889
      1R       E 0.11347222
      1R       S 0.10805556
      1R       S 0.18722222
      1R       S 0.27625000
      1R       S 0.25236111
      1R       S 0.18208333
      1R       S 0.16152778
      2G       E 0.25916667
      2G       E 0.37194444
      2G       E 0.02263889
      2G       E 0.18402778
      2G       E 0.45750000
      2G       E 0.02250000
      2G       S 0.02958333
      2G       S 0.10069444
      2G       S 0.12875000
      2G       S 0.11361111
      2G       S 0.13680556
      2G       S 0.07875000
      2R       E 0.57513889
      2R       E 0.12888889
      2R       E 0.32000000
      2R       E 0.55736111
      2R       E 0.78888889
      2R       E 0.65055556
      2R       S 0.35527778
      2R       S 0.48361111
      2R       S 0.21361111
      2R       S 0.35277778
      2R       S 0.52611111
      2R       S 0.29416667
     R+G       E 0.37027778
     R+G       E 0.20263889
     R+G       E 0.07194444
     R+G       E 0.49041667
     R+G       E 0.21847222
     R+G       E 0.13555556
     R+G       S 0.20861111
     R+G       S 0.23986111
     R+G       S 0.02180556
     R+G       S 0.23250000
     R+G       S 0.28916667
     R+G       S 0.50208333

summary(glht(model3, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"))**)

 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: aov(formula = logitAct ~ Treatment * Habitat, data = Active)

Linear Hypotheses:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
1R - 1G == 0    1.6196     0.5936   2.728  0.06369 .
2G - 1G == 0    0.5468     0.5936   0.921  0.88736
2R - 1G == 0    2.3100     0.5936   3.892  0.00264 **
R+G - 1G == 0   1.0713     0.5936   1.805  0.38235
2G - 1R == 0   -1.0728     0.5936  -1.807  0.38095
2R - 1R == 0    0.6904     0.5936   1.163  0.77204
R+G - 1R == 0  -0.5483     0.5936  -0.924  0.88639
2R - 2G == 0    1.7632     0.5936   2.970  0.03516 *
R+G - 2G == 0   0.5245     0.5936   0.884  0.90164
R+G - 2R == 0  -1.2387     0.5936  -2.087 0.24185 <2.087%20%200.24185>
Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
(Adjusted p values reported -- single-step method)

Warning message:
In mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
 covariate interactions found -- default contrast might be inappropriate


 Tukey multiple comparisons of means
   95% family-wise confidence level

Fit: aov(formula = logitAct ~ Treatment * Habitat, data = Active)

              diff        lwr       upr     p adj
1R-1G   0.976208536 -0.2115769 2.1639939 0.1538496
2G-1G   0.008919932 -1.1788655 1.1967053 1.0000000
2R-1G   1.774309645  0.5865243 2.9620950 0.0009174
R+G-1G  0.735518351 -0.4522670 1.9233037 0.4123535
2G-1R  -0.967288603 -2.1550740 0.2204968 0.1605251
2R-1R   0.798101110 -0.3896843 1.9858865 0.3299881
R+G-1R -0.240690185 -1.4284756 0.9470952 0.9783561
2R-2G   1.765389713  0.5776043 2.9531751 0.0009817
R+G-2G  0.726598419 -0.4611870 1.9143838 0.4247935
R+G-2R -1.038791294 -2.2265767 0.1489941 0.1128708

Quoting "Richard M. Heiberger" <r...@temple.edu>:

 glht is probably what you should be using.  Both TukeyHSD and glht give
essesntially identical confidence intervals for
the example in ?glht.  What aren't you satisfied with?

amod <- aov(breaks ~ tension, data = warpbreaks)
confint(glht(amod, linfct = mcp(tension = "Tukey")))
On Mon, Jan 2, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Anne Aubut <an438...@dal.ca> wrote:


I am trying to determine the most appropriate way to run post-hoc
comparisons on my lme model.  I had originally planned to use Tukey HSD
method as I am interested in all possible comparisons between my
levels.  TukeyHSD, however, does not work with lme.  The only other code
that I was able to find, and which also seems to be widely used, is glht
specified with Tukey:

summary(glht(model, linfct=mcp(Treatment="Tukey"))****)

Out of curiosity, I ran TukeyHSD and the glht code for a simple ANOVA and
found that they had quite different p-values.  If the glht code is not
running TukeyHSD, what does the "Tukey" in the code specify?  Is using
code appropriate if I am interested in a substitute for TukeyHSD?  Are
there any other options for multiple comparisons for lme models?  I am
really interested in knowing if the Tukey contrasts generated from the
code is providing me with appropriate p-values for my post-hoc

I feel like I have reached a dead end and am not sure where else to look
for information on this issue. I would be grateful for any feedback on

Anne Cheverie
M.Sc. Candidate
Dalhousie University

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