Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer <at>> writes:
> Dear all, I am fitting a LOGIT model on this Data...........
---- << snip >>---
> glm(Data[,1] ~ Data[,-1], binomial(link = logit))
> Call:  glm(formula = Data[, 1] ~ Data[, -1], family = binomial(link = logit))
> Coefficients:
>   (Intercept)  Data[, -1]X 1  Data[, -1]X 2  Data[, -1]X 3  Data[,
> -1]X 4  Data[, -1]X 5
>      10.99326        0.01943       10.61013       -0.66763
> 70.98785       17.33126
> Degrees of Freedom: 43 Total (i.e. Null);  38 Residual
> Null Deviance:      44.58
> Residual Deviance: 17.46        AIC: 29.46
> Warning message:
> fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
> However I am getting a warning mesage as "fitted probabilities
> numerically 0 or 1 occurred". Here my question is, 
have I made any
> mistakes with my above implementation? I
s it just because, I have too
> less number of '0' in my response Variable?
Look at the output of summary, especially the standard errors.  
You seem to be getting complete
separation on X5 and X4 doesn,'t look so hot either.


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