Thanks Ken for your reply. No doubt your english is quite tough!! I
understand something is not normal with the 5th explanatory variable
(se:2872.17069!) However could not understand what you mean by "You
seem to be getting complete separation on X5 "?

Can you please be more elaborate?


On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 4:06 PM, ken knoblauch <> wrote:
> Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer <at>> writes:
>> Dear all, I am fitting a LOGIT model on this Data...........
> ---- << snip >>---
>> glm(Data[,1] ~ Data[,-1], binomial(link = logit))
>> Call:  glm(formula = Data[, 1] ~ Data[, -1], family = binomial(link = logit))
>> Coefficients:
>>   (Intercept)  Data[, -1]X 1  Data[, -1]X 2  Data[, -1]X 3  Data[,
>> -1]X 4  Data[, -1]X 5
>>      10.99326        0.01943       10.61013       -0.66763
>> 70.98785       17.33126
>> Degrees of Freedom: 43 Total (i.e. Null);  38 Residual
>> Null Deviance:      44.58
>> Residual Deviance: 17.46        AIC: 29.46
>> Warning message:
>> fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred
>> However I am getting a warning mesage as "fitted probabilities
>> numerically 0 or 1 occurred". Here my question is,
> have I made any
>> mistakes with my above implementation? I
> s it just because, I have too
>> less number of '0' in my response Variable?
> Look at the output of summary, especially the standard errors.
> You seem to be getting complete
> separation on X5 and X4 doesn,'t look so hot either.
> Ken
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