Dear R forum,

(Pl note this is not a finance problem)

I have two data.frames as 

currency_df = data.frame(current_date = c("3/4/2013", "3/4/2013", "3/4/2013", 
"3/4/2013"), issue_date = c("27/11/2012", "9/12/2012", "14/01/2013", 
"28/02/2013"), maturity_date = c("27/04/2013", "3/5/2013", "14/6/2013", 
"28/06/2013"), currency = c("USD", "USD", "GBP", "SEK"), other_currency = 
c("EURO", "CAD", "CHF", "USD"), transaction = c("Buy", "Buy", "Sell", "Buy"), 
units_currency = c(100000, 25000, 150000, 40000), units_other_currency = 
c(78000, 25350, 99200, 6150)) 

rate_df = 
data.frame(date = 

currency =  c("USD","USD","USD","USD", "USD", "USD", "USD","USD","USD","USD", 
"USD","USD", "GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP", "GBP","GBP", 

tenor = c("1 day","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1 
week","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 
day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1 week","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 
weeks","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1 week","2 
weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks"), 

rate = 
0.02214,0.01929,0.034,0.034,0.034125,0.034,0.044,0.044, 0.041,0.045))

# _______________________________________________________

# 1st data.frame
> currency_df
  current_date issue_date maturity_date currency
1     3/4/2013 27/11/2012    27/04/2013      USD
2     3/4/2013  9/12/2012      3/5/2013      USD
3     3/4/2013 14/01/2013     14/6/2013      GBP
4     3/4/2013 28/02/2013    28/06/2013      SEK
  other_currency transaction units_currency
 EURO         Buy         100000
2            CAD         Buy          25000
3            CHF        Sell         150000
4            USD         Buy          40000
1                78000
3                99200
4                 6150


# 2nd data.frame

> rate_df
            date currency   tenor     rate
1  28/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.156000
2  27/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.157000
3  26/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.157000
4  25/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.155000
5  28/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
6  27/3/2013      USD  1 week
7  26/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
8  25/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
9  28/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
10 27/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
11 26/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
12 25/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
13 28/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.486250
14 27/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.485000
15 26/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.486250
16 25/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.482500
17 28/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.490000
18 27/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.491250
19 26/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.492500
 25/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.490000
21 28/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.493750
22 27/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.491250
23 26/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.492500
24 25/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.491250
25 28/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.026430
26 27/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.022140
27 26/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.022140
28 25/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.019290
29 28/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
30 27/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
31 26/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034125
32 25/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
33 28/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.044000
 27/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.044000
35 26/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.041000
36 25/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.045000

# ___________________________________________________

Using plyr and reshape libraries, I have converted the rate_df into tabular 
form as

       date   USD_1 day USD_1 week USD_2 weeks GBP_1 day
1 25/3/2013     0.155     0.1752      0.1752   0.48250
2 26/3/2013     0.157     0.1752      0.1752   0.48625
3 27/3/2013     0.157     0.1752      0.1752   0.48500
4 28/3/2013     0.156     0.1752      0.1752   0.48625
 GBP_1 week GBP_2 weeks EURO_1 day EURO_1 week
1    0.49000     0.49125    0.01929    0.034000
2    0.49250     0.49250    0.02214    0.034125
3    0.49125     0.49125    0.02214    0.034000
4    0.49000     0.49375    0.02643    0.034000
  EURO_2 weeks
1        0.045
2        0.041
3        0.044
4        0.044

# __________________________________________________________

Depending on the maturity period, I have defined discount rates as


  (as.character(currency) ==
  (as.character(other_currency) == "GBP" & days_to_maturity <= 1)

  libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_o_n
  libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$GBP_o_n
  else if (as.character(other_currency) == "EURO" & days_to_maturity <= 1)

  libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_o_n
  libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$EUR_o_n


  (as.character(other_currency) == "GBP" & (days_to_maturity > 1 & 
days_to_maturity <= 7))

  libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_1w
  libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$GBP_1w
  else if (as.character(other_currency) == "EURO" & (days_to_maturity > 1 & 
days_to_maturity <= 7))

  libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_1w
 libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$EUR_1w


Similarly for other currencies too ...

# __________________________________________________


In reality, I am dealing with at least (for the time being and will only 
increase in future) 10 currencies (LIBORs) only and each currency has about 15 
tenors. So effectively, I have ended up writing 45*15*15 = 10125 such "if 
statements" only for assigning the rates depending on the tenor. (Tenors are 
overnight, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 
months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 12 months).

The code is working and I am able to achieve what I need to. But, I think this 
is a foolish method of assigning the rates and each time a new currency is 
added, I will have to rewrite the whole code again. Also, the processing time 
is tremendous as it's taking me at least 10+ minutes.

I am not a professional and hence this is my earnest request -

Is it possible or is there any other way to assign the rates depending on the 
currency, other currency and tenor and also
 depending on the maturity period where maturity period is the difference in 
days between the maturity_date and current_date?

Kindly guide


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