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On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:19 AM, Katherine Gobin

> Dear Mr Adams,
> I sincerely apologize for taking the liberty of writing to you. I
> wholeheartedly thank you for the wonderful solution you had provided me
> yesterday. I have customized the R code you had provided and it's yielding
> the results. I can't imagine me repeating the 10000 lines code after
> receving such a powerful solution from you. In future it will save lots of
> efforts from my side as I always deal with such situation.
> There is one small problem though -
> I am dealing with pair of currencies
> e.g. currency    other_currency    transaction
>       USD           EURO               Buy
>       USD           CAD                 Buy
>       GBP           CHF                 Sell
>       SEK           USD                 Buy
> The R code gives me the currency rates (w.r.t. appropriate "tenor"),
> however, I need the corresponding rates pertaining to the other currency
> too i.e. in the first case, the maturity period applicable is one month so
> the R - code gives me one month LIBOR wr.t. USD, but I need the
> corresponding one month LIBOR w.r.t. the other currency i.e. EURO in this
> case.
> I tried to improve upon the merge statement and used "?merge", but
> couldn't.  Another problem is the order of the original portfolio is not
> mainteained , but I think I can manage the order.
> With warm regards
> Katherine
> --- On *Wed, 3/4/13, Adams, Jean <jvad...@usgs.gov>* wrote:
> From: Adams, Jean <jvad...@usgs.gov>
> Subject: Re: [R] Better way of writing R code
> To: "Katherine Gobin" <katherine_go...@yahoo.com>
> Cc: "R help" <r-help@r-project.org>
> Date: Wednesday, 3 April, 2013, 2:08 PM
> Katherine,
> You don't need to convert rate_df into tabular form.  You just need to
> categorize each row in currency_df into a "tenor".  Then you can merge the
> two data frames (by currency and tenor).  For example ...
> # convert dates to R dates, to calculate the number of days to maturity
> # I am assuming this is the number of days from the current date to the
> maturity date
> currency_df$maturity <- as.Date(currency_df$maturity_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
> currency_df$current <- as.Date(currency_df$current_date, "%d/%m/%Y")
> currency_df$days2mature <- as.numeric(currency_df$maturity -
> currency_df$current)
> # categorize the number of days to maturity as you wish
> # you may need to change the breaks= option to suit your needs
> # read about the cut function to make sure you get the cut points included
> in the proper category, ?cut
> currency_df$tenor <- cut(currency_df$days2mature, breaks=c(0, 1, 7, 14,
> seq(from=30.5, length=12, by=30.5)),
> labels=c("1 day", "1 week", "2 weeks", "1 month", paste(2:12, "months")))
> # merge the currency_df and rate_df
> # this will work better with real data, since the example data you
> provided didn't have matching tenors
> both <- merge(currency_df, rate_df, all.x=TRUE)
> Jean
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 5:21 AM, Katherine Gobin 
> <katherine_go...@yahoo.com<http://mc/compose?to=katherine_go...@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
> Dear R forum,
> (Pl note this is not a finance problem)
> I have two data.frames as
> currency_df = data.frame(current_date = c("3/4/2013", "3/4/2013",
> "3/4/2013", "3/4/2013"), issue_date = c("27/11/2012", "9/12/2012",
> "14/01/2013", "28/02/2013"), maturity_date = c("27/04/2013", "3/5/2013",
> "14/6/2013", "28/06/2013"), currency = c("USD", "USD", "GBP", "SEK"),
> other_currency = c("EURO", "CAD", "CHF", "USD"), transaction = c("Buy",
> "Buy", "Sell", "Buy"), units_currency = c(100000, 25000, 150000, 40000),
> units_other_currency = c(78000, 25350, 99200, 6150))
> rate_df =
> data.frame(date =
> c("28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013","25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013",
> "25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013","25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013",
> "25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013","25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013",
> "25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013","25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013",
> "25/3/2013","28/3/2013","27/3/2013","26/3/2013","25/3/2013"),
> currency =  c("USD","USD","USD","USD", "USD", "USD",
> "USD","USD","USD","USD", "USD","USD",
> "GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP","GBP", "GBP","GBP", "GBP","GBP",
> "EURO","EURO"),
> tenor = c("1 day","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1
> week","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","1 day","1 day","1 day","1
> day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1 week","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2
> weeks","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 day","1 week","1 week","1 week","1
> week","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks","2 weeks"),
> rate =
> c(0.156,0.157,0.157,0.155,0.1752,0.1752,0.1752,0.1752,0.1752,0.1752,0.1752,
>  0.1752,0.48625,
> 0.485,0.48625,0.4825,0.49,0.49125,0.4925,0.49,0.49375,0.49125,0.4925,
> 0.49125,0.02643,0.02214,
> 0.02214,0.01929,0.034,0.034,0.034125,0.034,0.044,0.044, 0.041,0.045))
> # _______________________________________________________
> # 1st data.frame
> > currency_df
>   current_date issue_date maturity_date currency
> 1     3/4/2013 27/11/2012    27/04/2013      USD
> 2     3/4/2013  9/12/2012      3/5/2013      USD
> 3     3/4/2013 14/01/2013     14/6/2013      GBP
> 4     3/4/2013 28/02/2013    28/06/2013      SEK
>   other_currency transaction units_currency
> 1
>  EURO         Buy         100000
> 2            CAD         Buy          25000
> 3            CHF        Sell         150000
> 4            USD         Buy          40000
>   units_other_currency
> 1                78000
> 2
>  25350
> 3                99200
> 4                 6150
> #
> .......................................................................................
> # 2nd data.frame
> > rate_df
>             date currency   tenor     rate
> 1  28/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.156000
> 2  27/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.157000
> 3  26/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.157000
> 4  25/3/2013      USD   1 day 0.155000
> 5  28/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
> 6  27/3/2013      USD  1 week
>  0.175200
> 7  26/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
> 8  25/3/2013      USD  1 week 0.175200
> 9  28/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
> 10 27/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
> 11 26/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
> 12 25/3/2013      USD 2 weeks 0.175200
> 13 28/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.486250
> 14 27/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.485000
> 15 26/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.486250
> 16 25/3/2013      GBP   1 day 0.482500
> 17 28/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.490000
> 18 27/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.491250
> 19 26/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.492500
> 20
>  25/3/2013      GBP  1 week 0.490000
> 21 28/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.493750
> 22 27/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.491250
> 23 26/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.492500
> 24 25/3/2013      GBP 2 weeks 0.491250
> 25 28/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.026430
> 26 27/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.022140
> 27 26/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.022140
> 28 25/3/2013     EURO   1 day 0.019290
> 29 28/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
> 30 27/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
> 31 26/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034125
> 32 25/3/2013     EURO  1 week 0.034000
> 33 28/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.044000
> 34
>  27/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.044000
> 35 26/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.041000
> 36 25/3/2013     EURO 2 weeks 0.045000
> # ___________________________________________________
> Using plyr and reshape libraries, I have converted the rate_df into
> tabular form as
>        date   USD_1 day USD_1 week USD_2 weeks GBP_1 day
> 1 25/3/2013     0.155     0.1752      0.1752   0.48250
> 2 26/3/2013     0.157     0.1752      0.1752   0.48625
> 3 27/3/2013     0.157     0.1752      0.1752   0.48500
> 4 28/3/2013     0.156     0.1752      0.1752   0.48625
>  GBP_1 week GBP_2 weeks EURO_1 day EURO_1 week
> 1    0.49000     0.49125    0.01929    0.034000
> 2    0.49250     0.49250    0.02214    0.034125
> 3    0.49125     0.49125    0.02214    0.034000
> 4    0.49000     0.49375    0.02643    0.034000
>   EURO_2 weeks
> 1        0.045
> 2        0.041
> 3        0.044
> 4        0.044
> # __________________________________________________________
> Depending on the maturity period, I have defined discount rates as
>  if
>   (as.character(currency) ==
>  "USD")
> {
>   if
>   (as.character(other_currency) == "GBP" & days_to_maturity <= 1)
>   {
>   libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_o_n
>   libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$GBP_o_n
>   }
>   else if (as.character(other_currency) == "EURO" & days_to_maturity <= 1)
>   {
>   libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_o_n
>   libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$EUR_o_n
>   }
> ......................
> ......................
> if
>   (as.character(other_currency) == "GBP" & (days_to_maturity > 1 &
> days_to_maturity <= 7))
>   {
>   libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_1w
>   libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$GBP_1w
>   }
>   else if (as.character(other_currency) == "EURO" & (days_to_maturity > 1
> & days_to_maturity <= 7))
>   {
>   libor_rate1 = df_LIBOR_rates$USD_1w
>  libor_rate2 = df_LIBOR_rates$EUR_1w
>   }
> ............................
> ............................
> Similarly for other currencies too ...
> # __________________________________________________
> In reality, I am dealing with at least (for the time being and will only
> increase in future) 10 currencies (LIBORs) only and each currency has about
> 15 tenors. So effectively, I have ended up writing 45*15*15 = 10125 such
> "if statements" only for assigning the rates depending on the tenor.
> (Tenors are overnight, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4
> months, 5 months, 6 months, 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11
> months, 12 months).
> The code is working and I am able to achieve what I need to. But, I think
> this is a foolish method of assigning the rates and each time a new
> currency is added, I will have to rewrite the whole code again. Also, the
> processing time is tremendous as it's taking me at least 10+ minutes.
> I am not a professional and hence this is my earnest request -
> Is it possible or is there any other way to assign the rates depending on
> the currency, other currency and tenor and also
>  depending on the maturity period where maturity period is the difference
> in days between the maturity_date and current_date?
> Kindly guide
> Katherine
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