H all,

I have relative abundance data from >100 sites.  This is from acoustic 
monitoring and usually the data is for 2-3 nights but in some cases my 
be longer like months or years for each location..
The data output from my management data base is proved by species by 
night for each location so data frame would look like this below. What I 
need to do is sum the Survey_time by Spec_Code for each location name 
and divide summed AI values for each Spec_code by the summed Survey time 
to adjust for unit effort then standardize it all by *10 to represent 
the relative abundance by survey hour to 10 hours. How best to do this?  
Using Plyr or reshape?

Location name   SPEC_CODE       Start_Day       Survey_Time     AI      Std AI
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/14/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/14/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Eumspp  2/14/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Frag    2/14/2012       12.1    18      14.87603
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/14/2012       12.1    5       4.132231
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/14/2012       12.1    5       4.132231
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Phyllo  2/14/2012       12.1    2       1.652893
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptedav  2/14/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptegym  2/14/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptepar  2/14/2012       12.1    2       1.652893
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Rhotum  2/14/2012       12.1    6       4.958678
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Sacbil  2/14/2012       12.1    6       4.958678
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Saclep  2/14/2012       12.1    11      9.090909
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/15/2012       12.1    2       1.652893
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/15/2012       12.1    2       1.652893
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molmol  2/15/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/15/2012       12.1    7       5.785124
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/15/2012       12.1    7       5.785124
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Nocalb  2/15/2012       12.1    6       4.958678
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Phyllo  2/15/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptedav  2/15/2012       12.1    1       0.8264463
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptegym  2/15/2012       12.1    4       3.305785
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptepar  2/15/2012       12.1    4       3.305785
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Pteper  2/15/2012       12.1    3       2.479339
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Rhotum  2/15/2012       12.1    7       5.785124
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Sacbil  2/15/2012       12.1    2       1.652893
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Saclep  2/15/2012       12.1    6       4.958678
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Buzz    2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Eumspp  2/16/2012       12.2    4       3.278688
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/16/2012       12.2    2       1.639344
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Molspp  2/16/2012       12.2    2       1.639344
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Myokea  2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Nocalb  2/16/2012       12.2    4       3.278688
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Phyllo  2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptedav  2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptegym  2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Ptepar  2/16/2012       12.2    3       2.459016
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Pteper  2/16/2012       12.2    1       0.8196721
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Rhotum  2/16/2012       12.2    17      13.93443
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Sacbil  2/16/2012       12.2    3       2.459016
079-f2p1-Acetuna        Saclep  2/16/2012       12.2    15      12.29508

Thanks for any suggestions.  Excel will be a mess to try to do that.


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