Parameters are different from functions, and offset is a function. Kindly read 
the help for that function and the references given there.
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Elaine Kuo <> wrote:

>But the parameter offset is new to me.
>Please kindly explain why setting offset to x will give a significant
>of whether the slope coefficient is different from one.
>(I checked the ?lm but still do not understand it well)
>Thanks again
>On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Thomas Lumley <> wrote:
>> Or use an offset
>> lm( y ~ x+offset(x), data = dat)
>> The offset gives x a coefficient of 1, so the coefficient of x in
>> model is the difference between the coefficient of x in the model
>> an offset and 1 -- the thing you want.
>>     -thomas
>> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Paul Johnson <>
>>> It is easy to construct your own test. I test against null of 0
>first so I
>>> can be sure I match the right result from summary.lm.
>>> ## get the standard error
>>> seofb <- sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1)))
>>> ## calculate t. Replace 0 by your null
>>> myt <- (coef(lm1) - 0)/seofb
>>> mypval <- 2*pt(abs(myt), lower.tail = FALSE, df = lm1$df.residual)
>>> ## Note you can pass a vector of different nulls for the
>>> myt <- (coef(lm1)  - c(0,1))/seofb
>>> We could write this into a function if we wanted to get busy.  Not a
>>> little homework exercise, I think.
>>> > dat <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
>>> > lm1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = dat)
>>> > summary(lm1)
>>> Call:
>>> lm(formula = y ~ x, data = dat)
>>> Residuals:
>>>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
>>> -3.0696 -0.5833  0.1351  0.7162  2.3229
>>> Coefficients:
>>>              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
>>> (Intercept) -0.001499   0.104865  -0.014    0.989
>>> x           -0.039324   0.113486  -0.347    0.730
>>> Residual standard error: 1.024 on 98 degrees of freedom
>>> Multiple R-squared: 0.001224,    Adjusted R-squared: -0.008968
>>> F-statistic: 0.1201 on 1 and 98 DF,  p-value: 0.7297
>>> > seofb <- sqrt(diag(vcov(lm1)))
>>> > myt <- (coef(lm1) - 0)/seofb
>>> > mypval <- 2*pt(abs(myt), lower.tail = FALSE, df = lm1$df.residual)
>>> > myt
>>> (Intercept)           x
>>> -0.01429604 -0.34650900
>>> > mypval
>>> (Intercept)           x
>>>   0.9886229   0.7297031
>>> > myt <- (coef(lm1) - 1)/seofb
>>> > mypval <- 2*pt(abs(myt), lower.tail = FALSE, df = lm1$df.residual)
>>> > myt
>>> (Intercept)           x
>>>   -9.550359   -9.158166
>>> > mypval
>>>  (Intercept)            x
>>> 1.145542e-15 8.126553e-15
>>> On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Elaine Kuo
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I am work with a linear regression model:
>>> >
>>> > y=ax+b with the function of lm.
>>> >
>>> > y= observed migration distance of butterflies
>>> >
>>> > x= predicted migration distance of butterflies
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Usually the result will show
>>> >
>>> > if the linear term a is significantly different from zero based on
>>> > p-value.
>>> >
>>> > Now I would like to test if the linear term is significantly
>>> from
>>> > one.
>>> >
>>> > (because I want to know if the regression line (y=ax+b) is
>>> > from the line with the linear term =1 and the intercept =0)
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Please kindly advise if it is possible
>>> >
>>> > to adjust some default parameters in the function to achieve the
>>> >
>>> > Thank you.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Elaine
>>> >
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>>> Paul E. Johnson
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>> Thomas Lumley
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