On 08/04/2013 03:34 PM, Berend Hasselman wrote:
I had a go with Google Translate and translated into Dutch.
The result is terrible. Garbage. Laughable.
It also translated R function names in the examples and some of the Rd
And look at the last line and admire what Google Translate did with \keyword{.
Checking and correcting translations would require a major effort.
I don't think this would be useful at all.
The result for Dutch speakers:
\naam {add.value.labels}
\alias {add.value.labels}
\title {Voeg waarde etiketten}
\beschrijving {voegt waarde labels aan een variabele.}
\gebruik {
add.value.labels (x, value.labels)
\argumenten {
\ item {x} {De variabele om de labels toe te voegen.}
\ item {value.labels} {De labels.}
\detail {
\ samp {add.value.labels} voegt waarde etiketten zoals die van een SPSS. sav
Het maakt het een stuk makkelijker aan de stok over de waarde labels die
verloren zijn gegaan of waren
er niet in de eerste plaats.}
\value {
De variabele met de labels toegevoegd.}
\author {Jim Lemon}
\voorbeelden {
fgh<-data.frame (sex = monster (1:2,20, TRUE), viviality = monster (1:3,20,
fgh $ sex<-add.value.labels (fgh $ geslacht, c ("Vrouw", "Man"))
fgh $ viviality<-add.value.labels (fgh $ viviality, c ("Alive", "Dead",
\ {keyword misc}
Hi Berend,
Yes, there were a couple of transpositions of braces and obvious errors
in mine as well that I fixed. At least for my basic Spanish, the
translation was adequate and could be corrected by someone more
proficient. As I am unfamiliar with Dutch, I can't judge how bad the
above is. Perhaps only some languages could be translated successfully
by Google Translate and of course there are other translation engines. I
think that the markup tags have to be left in English, but I could be
wrong there.
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