Dear John,
Thanks for your help. I run the path analysis but the model does not fit
the data. I am in doubt if this reflects the model construction et al. (too
many variables or more needed, more paths or change in direction of paths,
sample size, etc) or it could be that there is an error-variance
I have all observed data (fully recursive model), two exogenous variables
(with no variance or covariance parameters), four exogenous variables, and
for the final sem() model I used data argument instead of a moment matrix
with the covariance symmetric matrix. What would you suggest to be the best
way to investigate this in R?
Here attached the script and results:


y2=xy12*x1 + yy12*y1

model.xdata.sem <- sem(model.xdata, data=xdata, fixed.x=c("x1", "x2") )
summary(model.xdata.sem,fit.indices=c("CFI","NFI", "GFI", "RMSEA", "AGFI",
"NNFI", "SRMR"))

Model Chisquare =  41.03029   Df =  8 Pr(>Chisq) = 2.057595e-06
Goodness-of-fit index =  0.8604332
 Adjusted goodness-of-fit index =  0.6336373
 RMSEA index =  0.2330797   90% CI: (0.1654494, 0.3060134)
Bentler-Bonett NFI =  0.4290901
 Tucker-Lewis NNFI =  -0.08903999
 Bentler CFI =  0.4191787
 SRMR =  0.1472905

 Normalized Residuals
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.
-3.91600 -0.60120  0.00000 -0.09444  0.13940  2.71400

 R-square for Endogenous Variables
    y1     y2     y3     y4
0.0009 0.1890 0.0019 0.1558

 Parameter Estimates
      Estimate      Std Error    z value     Pr(>|z|)
xy21    0.017817121  0.066762981  0.26687127 7.895683e-01 y1 <--- x2
xy12   -0.030928721  0.007447431 -4.15293810 3.282335e-05 y2 <--- x1
yy12    0.311216816  0.475353649  0.65470585 5.126572e-01 y2 <--- y1
yy23   -0.077701789  0.203130269 -0.38252196 7.020742e-01 y3 <--- y2
yy24    0.002539283  0.031323241  0.08106706 9.353886e-01 y4 <--- y2
yy34    0.066168523  0.017671263  3.74441396 1.808153e-04 y4 <--- y3
V[y1]   1.945406949  0.315586680  6.16441400 7.074463e-10 y1 <--> y1
V[y2]  33.438573159  5.424452858  6.16441400 7.074463e-10 y2 <--> y2
V[y3] 129.295382082 20.974480627  6.16441400 7.074463e-10 y3 <--> y3
V[y4]   3.068539923  0.497782907  6.16441400 7.074463e-10 y4 <--> y4

On 2 November 2013 19:48, John Fox <> wrote:

> Dear Sarah,
> It's generally a good idea to include a reproducible example if you want
> to get help with a problem, but in this case it's a safe bet that the
> problem is that the model you specified has no variance or covariance
> parameters for the variables x1 and x2, which, I assume, you mean to be
> exogenous. The easiest way to include these variances and covariance in the
> model is to specify the argument fixed.x=c("x1", "x2") in the call to sem().
> In addition:
> (1) Your model is fully recursive (guessing that all the x's and y's are
> observed variables), and so it amounts to four OLS regressions. You could
> just use lm() to fit the model.
> (2) It's generally easier in the sem package to use specifyEquations()
> than specifyModel() for model specification.
> (3) If you have the original data set, as you do, it's generally
> preferable to use the data argument to sem() than to pass it the covariance
> matrix for the observed variables.
> I hope that this helps,
>  John
> ------------------------------------------------
> John Fox
> McMaster University
> Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
> On Sat, 2 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0100
>  Sarah Rogers <> wrote:
> >  Hello,
> >
> > I have just started to work on a path analysis (see attached image for
> the
> > diagram), but I have encountered an error message.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > This is the code I have used:
> >
> > cov_matrix<-var(xdata)
> >
> > library(sem)
> > model.xdata<-specifyModel()
> > x1 -> y2, xy12, NA
> > x2 -> y1, xy21, NA
> > y1 -> y2, yy12, NA
> > y2 -> y3, yy23, NA
> > y2 -> y4, yy24, NA
> > y3 -> y4, yy34, NA
> > y2 <-> y2, y2error, NA
> > y1 <-> y1, y1error, NA
> > y3 <-> y3, y3error, NA
> > y4 <-> y4, y4error, NA
> >
> > model.xdata.sem <- sem(model.xdata, cov_matrix, nrow(xdata))
> >
> > and the error message is:
> > Error in csem(model = model.description, start, opt.flag = 1, typsize =
> > typsize,  :
> >   The matrix is non-invertable.
> >
> > I fear to have a problem in the data.
> > I would be very grateful if you could help me to solve this problem and
> > proceed with my analyses.
> >
> > thank you in advance for your help!
> > Sarah
> >
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