On Feb 3, 2014, at 8:54 PM, Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:41 PM, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwa...@me.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As I have noted in a prior reply in this thread, which began last November, 
>> I don't post in SO, but I do keep track of the traffic there via RSS feeds. 
>> However, the RSS feeds are primarily for new posts and do not seem to update 
>> with follow ups to the initial post.
>> I do wish that they would provide an e-mail interface, which would help to 
>> address some of the issues raised here today. They do provide notifications 
>> on comments to posts, as do many other online fora. However, there is no 
>> routine mailing of new posts with a given tag (eg. 'R'), at least as far as 
>> I can see, as I had searched there previously for that functionality. That 
>> would be a nice "push" based approach, as opposed to having to go to the web 
>> site.
> You can set up email subscriptions for specific tags.  See the
> preferences section of your account.  I get regular emails of the
> r_filter.
> Here are the first few lines of an email I juist received (I have
> pasted it into this text plain email but they are received as HTML and
> there are links to the specific questions).


Thanks for the pointer Gabor. I did not have an account on SE/SO and had only 
searched the various help resources there attempting to find out what kind of 
e-mail push functionality was available. A number of posts had suggested a "non 
real time" e-mail ability, which indeed seems to be the case.

I went ahead and created an account to get a sense of what was available. As 
you note, you can sign up for e-mail subscriptions based upon various tag 
criteria. However, it would seem that you need to specify time intervals for 
the frequency of the e-mails. These can be daily, every 3 hours or every 15 
minutes. So there seems to be a polling/digest based process going on.

I created an e-mail subscription last evening and selected every 15 minutes. 
What appears to be happening is that the frequency of the e-mails actually 
varies. Overnight and this morning, I have e-mails coming in every 20 to 30 
minutes or more apart. It is not entirely clear what the trigger is, given the 
inconsistency in frequency. Perhaps the infrastructure is not robust enough to 
support a more consistent polling/digest e-mail capability yet.

The e-mails contain snippets of new questions only and not responses 
(paralleling the RSS feed content). I need to actually go to the web site to 
see the full content of the question and to see if the question has been 
answered. In most cases, by the time that I get to the site, even right away 
after getting the e-mail, there are numerous replies already present. There is, 
of course, no way to respond via e-mail.

I would say that if one is looking for an efficient e-mail based interface to 
SE/SO, it does not exist at present. It is really designed as a web site only 
interaction, where you are likely going to need to have a browser continuously 
open to the respective site or sites in order to be able to interact 
effectively, if it is your intent to monitor and to respond in a timely fashion 
to queries. 

Alternatively, perhaps a real-time or near real-time updating RSS feed reader 
might make more sense for the timeliness of knowing about new questions. It is 
not clear to me how those who respond quickly (eg. within minutes) are 
interacting otherwise.

There appear to be some browser extensions to support notifications (eg. for 
Chrome), but again, you need to have your browser open. There also appear to be 
some desktop apps in alpha/beta stages that might be helpful. However, they 
seem to track new comments to questions that are specifically being followed 
(eg. questions that you have posted), rather than all new questions, thus 
paralleling the SE/SO Inbox content.

That being said, obviously, a lot of people are moving in that direction given 
the traffic decline here and the commensurate increase there.



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