I have not followed this thread closely, but this seems to work:

mydata$repet[is.na(mydata$repet)] <- 0
reshape(mydata, timevar="Elem", idvar=c("Etape","Ech", "repet", 
     direction="wide", drop=c("ID","Nom_ech"))

If this is the expected outcome, the problem is the NA values in repet. I 
changed them to 0 since you did not have any 0 entries in the data (otherwise 
you could use 999 or some other value that does not occur in the data). Change 
them back after running reshape().

David L Carlson
Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77840-4352

----Original Message-----
From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Ivan Calandra
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 7:56 AM
To: PIKAL Petr; R list
Subject: Re: [R] help with reshape

Thanks Petr,
It looks good, but I have to check in more details.

Can anyone help me with my original solution using reshape()? I'd like 
to understand what I did wrong.
reshape(mydata, timevar="Elem", 
idvar=c("Etape","Ech","repet","dilution","Rincage"), direction="wide", 

Thank you in advance

Ivan Calandra, PhD
University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
CREA - 2 esplanade Roland Garros
51100 Reims, France
+33(0)3 26 77 36 89

Le 08/09/15 14:45, PIKAL Petr a écrit :
> Hi
> I looked into docs to reshape2 and played around a bit and by some magical 
> feature
> test <- dcast(mm, Etape+Ech+repet+dilution+Rincage~Elem)
> probably works as you expect.
> I cannot comment your solution as I use reshape only sparsely.
> Cheers
> Petr
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Ivan
>> Calandra
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 2:18 PM
>> To: R list
>> Subject: Re: [R] help with reshape
>> Thank you Petr,
>> It kinda works, but not completely. The problem is that it produces a
>> column for each value ("Moyenne"), and not each element of "Elem". That
>> means I have only one value per column, instead of up to 3.
>> For example, I have 3 columns for Al1670 instead of just one, and each
>> column contains maximum one value (the others being NA).
>> Not sure I am being clear...
>> By the way, I don't understand why my solution did not work; what is
>> wrong there?
>> Thank you again!
>> Ivan
>> --
>> Ivan Calandra, PhD
>> University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne
>> GEGENAA - EA 3795
>> CREA - 2 esplanade Roland Garros
>> 51100 Reims, France
>> +33(0)3 26 77 36 89
>> ivan.calan...@univ-reims.fr
>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Calandra
>> Le 08/09/15 14:04, PIKAL Petr a écrit :
>>> Hi
>>> I am not sure if I got it
>>> library(reshape2)
>>> mm<-melt(mydata, measure.vars="Moyenne") test <- dcast(mm,
>>> Etape+Ech+repet+dilution+Rincage~Elem+value)
>>> gives me 3 rows but names need some tweaking afterwards.
>>> nn<-paste("Moyenne", unlist(lapply(strsplit(names(test)[-(1:5)],
>> "_"),
>>> "[", 1)), sep=".") names(test)[-(1:5)]<-nn
>>> Cheers
>>> Petr
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: R-help [mailto:r-help-boun...@r-project.org] On Behalf Of Ivan
>>>> Calandra
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 12:33 PM
>>>> To: R list
>>>> Subject: [R] help with reshape
>>>> Dear users,
>>>> I'm having troubles with reshaping a data.frame from long to wide
>>>> format.
>>>> I copy the output of dput() at the end of the mail because it is
>>>> quite long.
>>>> Each row of the column "Elem" should be transposed to a new column.
>>>> All variables "Etape", "Ech", "repet", "dilution", "Rincage" define
>>>> the samples. Meaning that for each unique combination of these
>>>> variables, I want a single row, and as many columns as elements in
>> "Elem".
>>>> So I tried:
>>>> reshape(mydata, timevar="Elem",
>>>> idvar=c("Etape","Ech","repet","dilution","Rincage"),
>>>> direction="wide",
>>>> drop=c("ID","Nom_ech"))
>>>> The problem is that some columns are not used at all for defining
>>>> samples. In this case, the row "S1, F10-3, NA, 1, oui" is missing,
>>>> but I don't understand why.
>>>> Can you help me with that? I have no idea what I am doing wrong...
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Ivan
>>>> mydata <- structure(list(ID = c(543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549,
>>>> 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562,
>>>> 11574, 11575, 11576, 11577, 11578, 11579, 11580, 11581, 11582,
>> 11583,
>>>> 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695,
>> 696,
>>>> 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702), Nom_ech = c("Step1 B2", "Step1 B2",
>>>> "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1
>>>> B2",
>>>> "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1
>>>> B2",
>>>> "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1 B2", "Step1
>>>> B2",
>>>> "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3",
>>>> "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3",
>>>> "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "R1 S1 F1 0-3", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1)
>>>> *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100",
>>>> "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100", "S1 F1 0-3 (1) *100"
>>>> ), Etape = c("S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1",
>>>> "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1",
>>>> "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1",
>>>> "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1",
>>>> "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1", "S1"), Ech = c("B2", "B2",
>>>> "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2",
>>>> "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "B2", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3",
>>>> "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3",
>>>> "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3",
>>>> "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-
>> 3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3", "F10-3"
>>>> ), repet = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA,
>>>> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1,
>> 1,
>>>> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), dilution =
>>>> c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
>>>> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
>>>> 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100), Rincage =
>>>> c("non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non",
>>>> "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non",
>> "non",
>>>> "non", "oui", "oui", "oui", "oui", "oui", "oui", "oui", "oui",
>> "oui",
>>>> "oui", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non",
>> "non",
>>>> "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non", "non",
>> "non",
>>>> "non"), Elem = c("Al1670", "As1890", "As1937", "Ca1840", "Ca3158",
>>>> "Cd2288", "Co2286", "Co2378", "Cr2055", "Cr2835", "Cu2247",
>> "Cu3247",
>>>> "Fe2382", "Fe2599", "K_7664", "Mg2795", "Mg2852", "Mn2576",
>> "Mn2605",
>>>> "Ni2216", "Al1670", "As1890", "As1937", "Ca1840", "Ca3158",
>> "Cd2288",
>>>> "Co2286", "Co2378", "Cr2055", "Cr2835", "Al1670", "As1890",
>> "As1937",
>>>> "Ca1840", "Ca3158", "Cd2288", "Co2286", "Co2378", "Cr2055",
>> "Cr2835",
>>>> "Cu2247", "Cu3247", "Fe2382", "Fe2599", "K_7664", "Mg2795",
>> "Mg2852",
>>>> "Mn2576", "Mn2605", "Ni2216"), Moyenne = c(NA, NA, 3.7455,
>>>> 596.166666666667, 578.2, 0.1514, NA, 1.87225, NA, 0.3664, 1.859,
>>>> 1.96766666666667, NA, NA, 9.29566666666667, 13.08, 12.69, 0.26875,
>>>> 0.2877, 0.2395, 5732.33333333333, 3.9615, 3.48833333333333,
>>>> 337.433333333333, 323.533333333333, 0.877166666666667,
>>>> 0.292466666666667, NA, 1.79566666666667, NA, 106.326666666667, NA,
>>>> 2.2755, 291.933333333333, 278.833333333333, 0.819, NA, 3.946, NA,
>> NA,
>>>> 1.47766666666667, 1.63266666666667, 40.44, 40.2533333333333, 128.9,
>>>> 50.11, 49.02, 37.4733333333333, 37.775, 0.3764)), .Names = c("ID",
>>>> "Nom_ech", "Etape", "Ech", "repet", "dilution", "Rincage", "Elem",
>>>> "Moyenne"), row.names = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L,
>>>> 11L, 12L, 13L, 14L, 15L, 16L, 17L, 18L, 19L, 20L, 29L, 30L, 31L,
>> 32L,
>>>> 33L, 34L, 35L, 36L, 37L, 38L, 112L, 113L, 114L, 115L, 116L, 117L,
>>>> 118L, 119L, 120L, 121L, 122L, 123L, 124L, 125L, 126L, 127L, 128L,
>>>> 129L, 130L, 131L ), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
>>>> --
>>>> Ivan Calandra, PhD
>>>> University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne GEGENAA - EA 3795 CREA - 2
>>>> esplanade Roland Garros 51100 Reims, France
>>>> +33(0)3 26 77 36 89
>>>> ivan.calan...@univ-reims.fr
>>>> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan_Calandra
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