Your function, buildGui(), what does it use, Tcl/Tk or something else?
If it's Tcl/Tk, I believe you need a normal R console opened. My .bat file
only works for a command line, which is fine if the user interface opens up
in a webpage, but I'm pretty sure it doesn\t work with Tcl/Tk.
What kind of window does your function return?

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 4:35 PM, Zahra Samadi <> wrote:

> Adriana,
> My GUI file is a function returning a window. This function is named
> buildGui(). How should I create this batch file using the piece of code
> you've written?
> ------------------------------
> * From: * Adrian Dușa <>;
> * To: * Greg Snow <>;
> * Cc: * <>; <
> * Subject: * Re: [R] How to create an executable file from R GUI?
> * Sent: * Thu, Feb 18, 2016 9:03:52 PM
> Simon, Greg,
> That is the very reason why I've given up on Tck/Tk, in favor of shiny.
> The user interface opens up in a webpage, without opening the normal R
> console (it only opens a Terminal window).
> To exemplify, package QCAGUI has a function called runGUI(), and on
> Windows it's a simple matter of creating a .bat file,
> which for my user interface it only contains this:
> TITLE QCA Qualitative Comparative Analysis
> C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-3.2.3/bin/R.exe --slave --no-restore -e
> "setwd('D:/');QCAGUI::runGUI()"
> The double click on the .bat file, and that's it.
> I hope it helps,
> Adrian
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Greg Snow <> wrote:
>> To give a full answer we need some more detail from you.  For example
>> what operating system are you on? what do you mean by "users click on
>> it"? and at what point do you want them to click (after running R,
>> when looking at the desktop, etc.)
>> But to help get you started you may want to look at the help page
>> `?Startup` which tells you all the things that R does as it starts up
>> and how to have it run commands automatically as it is starting up.
>> I have created some GUI examples in the past that clients then wanted
>> to have on their own computer to play with and demonstrate to others.
>> I usually would install R on their machine for them and create a
>> shortcut on the desktop (these were all MS Windows computers) that
>> pointed to the standard R executable, but started in a specific
>> directory/folder.  Then in that folder I created a ".Rprofile" file
>> with the commands to load in the appropriate data and packages and run
>> the gui demonstration.  The user could then double click on the
>> shortcut on the desktop and 2 windows would pop up (the regular R
>> interface and my gui demo), I instructed the client to just minimize
>> and ignore the regular R window and they were then able to use my demo
>> and then close everything when they were finished.  You could do
>> something similar (but exactly how will differ between Windows, Mac,
>> and Linux computers).
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 9:27 AM, simon0098--- via R-help
>> <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I've created a GUI using RGtk2 package. How can I make an executable
>> file from my R script so that users click on it and the GUI appears for
>> them?
>> >
>> >
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> Adrian Dusa
> University of Bucharest
> Romanian Social Data Archive
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Adrian Dusa
University of Bucharest
Romanian Social Data Archive
Soseaua Panduri nr.90
050663 Bucharest sector 5

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