Hi Rui,

Thank you very much!

Yes, I verified using real data, it worked correctly as expected after adding 
tidyr:: to the pivot_longer function and dplyr:: to the group_by and summarize

I did not know how to assign the tidyr and dplyr to the three functions because 
I do not really understand well the three functions and just got the code from 
a google search.

I also tried your simplified code, but got the following error
Error in `dplyr::summarize()`:
! Can't supply both `.by` and `.groups`.
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see where the error occurred.


From: Rui Barradas <ruipbarra...@sapo.pt>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:29 AM
To: Yuan Chun Ding <ycd...@coh.org>; CALUM POLWART <polc1...@gmail.com>
Cc: r-help@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] my R code worked well when running the first 1000 lines of R 

Hello, Inline. Às 19: 03 de 12/06/2024, Yuan Chun Ding via R-help escreveu: > I 
am sorry that I know I should provide a dataset that allows to replicate my 
problem. > > It is a research dataset and quite large, so I can not share. >



Às 19:03 de 12/06/2024, Yuan Chun Ding via R-help escreveu:

> I am sorry that I know I should provide a dataset that allows to replicate my 
> problem.


> It is a research dataset and quite large, so I can not share.


> Both Bert and Tim guessed my problem correctly.  I also thought about the 
> conflicting issue between different packages and function masking.

> I just hope to that someone has similar experience, so providing me 
> suggestion.


> For conflicting issue,


> What I tried  was to add dplyr::pivot_longer or tidyr:: pivot_longer,

Do that to all functions comming from contributed packages. At least to


summary_anno1148ft <- anno1148ft %>%

   tidyr::pivot_longer(c(t_depth, t_alt_count, t_alt_ratio), names_to =

"measure") %>%

   dplyr::group_by(dat, measure) %>%

   dplyr::summarize(minimum = min(value,na.rm=T),

                    q25 = quantile(value, probs = 0.25,na.rm=T),

                    med = median(value,na.rm=T),

                    q75 = quantile(value, probs = 0.75,na.rm=T),

                    maximum = max(value,na.rm=T),

                    average = mean(value,na.rm=T),

                    #standard_deviation = sd(value),

                    .groups = "drop"


Or, simpler, no need to group_by anymore. It can be done in summarise.

summary_anno1148ft <- anno1148ft %>%

   tidyr::pivot_longer(c(t_depth, t_alt_count, t_alt_ratio), names_to =

"measure") %>%

   dplyr::summarize(minimum = min(value,na.rm=T),

                    q25 = quantile(value, probs = 0.25,na.rm=T),

                    med = median(value,na.rm=T),

                    q75 = quantile(value, probs = 0.75,na.rm=T),

                    maximum = max(value,na.rm=T),

                    average = mean(value,na.rm=T),

                    #standard_deviation = sd(value),

                    .by = c(dat, measure),

                    .groups = "drop"


This is only a guess, the question cannot really be answered.

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

but still not resolved the problem.




> I will restart from the first line my code, it will work again and then I 
> will track down.




> Thank you,


> Ding



> From: CALUM POLWART <polc1...@gmail.com<mailto:polc1...@gmail.com>>

> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 10:52 AM

> To: Yuan Chun Ding <ycd...@coh.org<mailto:ycd...@coh.org>>

> Cc: r-help@r-project.org<mailto:r-help@r-project.org>

> Subject: Re: [R] my R code worked well when running the first 1000 lines of R 
> code


> I sometimes think people on this list are quite rude to posters. I'm afraid 
> I'm likely to join in with some rudeness? 1. "Here is some code that works 
> but also doesn't" is probably not going to get you an answer 2. I provide



> I sometimes think people on this list are quite rude to posters.


> I'm afraid I'm likely to join in with some rudeness?


> 1. "Here is some code that works but also doesn't" is probably not going to 
> get you an answer

> 2. I provide no information about the data it works on or doesn't

> 3. I tell you I'm using a load of dependencies, but don't tell you what

> 4. I refer to 2000 lines of code but probably means 2000 lines of data?


> So. Please post a question someone can actually answer.


> If the question is "why might code fail on a 2000 line dataset when it works 
> on 1000 line dataset" then here are some thoughts:


> * Is the 1000 lines being run as dataset[1:1000,] or is it dataset1 and 
> dataset2 ?

> * Is there a structural difference in the datasets - i.e. numbers, characters 
> or factors as columns. Often import functions guess a column type by reading 
> the first 500/1000 lines. If the data has numbers in column 1 for 1-1000 but 
> on line 1999 has a letter... The data type may vary.


> On Wed, 12 Jun 2024, 17:28 Yuan Chun Ding via R-help, 
> <r-help@r-project.org<mailto:r-help@r-project.org<mailto:r-help@r-project.org%3cmailto:r-help@r-project.org>>>
>  wrote:

> Hi R users,


> The following code worked well to summarize four data groups in a dataframe 
> for three variables (t_depth, t_alt_count, t_alt_ratio), 12 columns of 
> summary, see attached.

> However, after running another 2000 lines of R codes using functions from 
> more than 10 other R  libraries, then it only generated one column of summary.

> Do you know why?


> Thank you,


> Yuan Chun Ding


> summary_anno1148ft <- anno1148ft %>%

>    pivot_longer(c(t_depth, t_alt_count, t_alt_ratio), names_to = "measure") 
> %>%

>    group_by(dat, measure) %>%

>    summarize(minimum = min(value,na.rm=T),

>              q25 = quantile(value, probs = 0.25,na.rm=T),

>              med = median(value,na.rm=T),

>              q75 = quantile(value, probs = 0.75,na.rm=T),

>              maximum = max(value,na.rm=T),

>              average = mean(value,na.rm=T),

>              #standard_deviation = sd(value),

>              .groups = "drop"

>    )

> summary_anno1148ft <-t(summary_anno1148ft)




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