Dear R Users,

I am having a weird problem. I have three zoo time series, foo, bar and baz. I run a simple linear regression with foo as the dependent and bar+baz as independents. Even though the regression runs fine, summary seems to fail.The code is below. I am happy to send the data along. I am on R 2.8.0 and Windows XP SP2. Traceback (below, a ton of numbers cut out to make it readable but I can provide the data). reveals the problem is in a function called gt. sessioninfo is at the bottom.

Any suggestions ? I upgraded to 2.8.0 this morning after replaced 2.7.1 and I almost feel the new version is at fault but I could be inferring too much...

Thanks in advance,

cooks.distance also reveals the same problem.

> length(foo)
[1] 258
> length(foo)
[1] 258
> length(bar)
[1] 258
> length(baz)
[1] 258
> regrlm<-lm(foo~bar+baz)
> regrlm

lm(formula = foo ~ bar + baz)

(Intercept) bar baz 1082.39 12.72 -20176.67
> summary(regrlm)

lm(formula = foo ~ bar + baz)

Error in if (xi == xj) 0L else if (xi > xj) 1L else -1L :
 argument is of length zero
> traceback()
19: .gt(c(145.181456007549, 118.279525850693, 111.250750147955, 89.1393551953539,
   -67.9948569260507, -146.080176235300), 250L, 246L)
18: switch(ties.method, average = , min = , max = .Internal(rank(x[!nas],
ties.method)), first = sort.list(sort.list(x[!nas])), random = sort.list(order(x[!nas],
17: rank(x, ties.method = "min", na.last = "keep")
16: as.vector(rank(x, ties.method = "min", na.last = "keep"))
15: xtfrm.default(x)
14: xtfrm(x)
13: FUN(X[[1L]], ...)
12: lapply(z, function(x) if (is.object(x)) xtfrm(x) else x)
11: order(x, na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing)
10: `[.zoo`(x, order(x, na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing))
9: x[order(x, na.last = na.last, decreasing = decreasing)]
8: sort.default(x, partial = unique(c(lo, hi)))
7: sort(x, partial = unique(c(lo, hi)))
6: quantile.default(resid)
5: quantile(resid)
4: structure(quantile(resid), names = nam)
3: print.summary.lm(list(call = lm(formula = foo ~ bar + baz), terms = foo ~
      bar + baz, residuals = c(145.181456007549, 118.279525850693,
MANY MANY NUMBERS -97.6817272270226, -101.621851940748, -67.9948569260507, -146.080176235300 ), coefficients = c(1082.39330190496, 12.7191319384837, -20176.6660075191,
  36.7646530199551, 0.752346859475059, 1097.00127070372, 29.4411401439708,
16.9059414262171, -18.3925639343844, 5.30095123419022e-84, 1.60626441787295e-43, 1.15247513614373e-48), aliased = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), sigma = 90.0587318356495, df = c(3L, 255L, 3L), r.squared = 0.767559392535633, adj.r.squared = 0.765736328947677, fstatistic = c(421.027219021081, 2, 255), cov.unscaled = c(0.166651523684348,
      -0.00308410770161002, -3.08083131687658, -0.00308410770161002,
      6.9788613558326e-05, 0.0263943284503598, -3.08083131687658,
      0.0263943284503598, 148.375640597725)))
2: print(list(call = lm(formula = foo ~ bar + baz), terms = foo ~
      bar + baz, residuals = c(145.181456007549, 118.279525850693,
-97.6817272270226, -101.621851940748, -67.9948569260507, -146.080176235300 ), coefficients = c(1082.39330190496, 12.7191319384837, -20176.6660075191,
  36.7646530199551, 0.752346859475059, 1097.00127070372, 29.4411401439708,
16.9059414262171, -18.3925639343844, 5.30095123419022e-84, 1.60626441787295e-43, 1.15247513614373e-48), aliased = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), sigma = 90.0587318356495, df = c(3L, 255L, 3L), r.squared = 0.767559392535633, adj.r.squared = 0.765736328947677, fstatistic = c(421.027219021081, 2, 255), cov.unscaled = c(0.166651523684348,
      -0.00308410770161002, -3.08083131687658, -0.00308410770161002,
      6.9788613558326e-05, 0.0263943284503598, -3.08083131687658,
      0.0263943284503598, 148.375640597725)))
1: print(list(call = lm(formula = foo ~ bar + baz), terms = foo ~
      bar + baz, residuals = c(145.181456007549, 118.279525850693,
MANY MANY NUMBERS -97.6817272270226, -101.621851940748, -67.9948569260507, -146.080176235300 ), coefficients = c(1082.39330190496, 12.7191319384837, -20176.6660075191,
  36.7646530199551, 0.752346859475059, 1097.00127070372, 29.4411401439708,
16.9059414262171, -18.3925639343844, 5.30095123419022e-84, 1.60626441787295e-43, 1.15247513614373e-48), aliased = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE), sigma = 90.0587318356495, df = c(3L, 255L, 3L), r.squared = 0.767559392535633, adj.r.squared = 0.765736328947677, fstatistic = c(421.027219021081, 2, 255), cov.unscaled = c(0.166651523684348,
      -0.00308410770161002, -3.08083131687658, -0.00308410770161002,
      6.9788613558326e-05, 0.0263943284503598, -3.08083131687658,
      0.0263943284503598, 148.375640597725)))
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)

LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] lpSolve_5.6.4 leaps_2.7 [3] nortest_1.0 numDeriv_2006.4-1 [5] bcp_2.1 snow_0.3-3 [7] fArma_270.74 fBasics_280.74 [9] timeSeries_280.78 timeDate_280.80 [11] PerformanceAnalytics_0.9.7.1 tseries_0.10-16 [13] quadprog_1.4-11 vars_1.4-0 [15] urca_1.1-7 MASS_7.2-44 [17] MSBVAR_0.3.2 coda_0.13-3 [19] lattice_0.17-15 xtable_1.5-4 [21] KernSmooth_2.22-22 RODBC_1.2-3 [23] corrgram_0.1 nlme_3.1-89 [25] lmtest_0.9-21 car_1.2-9 [27] strucchange_1.3-4 sandwich_2.1-0 [29] zoo_1.5-4
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] grid_2.8.0  tools_2.8.0

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