I am having trouble understanding (i.e. getting) confidence intervals from
   the survey package. I am using R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) and survey
   package (3.11-2) on FC7 linux. To simplify my question I use an example from
   that package:
   R> data(api)
   R> dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc)
   R>    (tst    <-    svyby(~api99,    ~stype,    dclus1,   svyquantile,
     stype api99    se
   E     E   615 37.89
   H     H   593 69.52
   M     M   611 37.67
   R> str(tst)
   Classes ‘svyby’ and 'data.frame':    3 obs. of  3 variables:
    $ stype: Factor w/ 3 levels "E","H","M": 1 2 3
    $ api99: num  615 593 611
    $ se   : num  37.9 69.5 37.7
    - attr(*, "svyby")=List of 7
     ..$ margins  : int 1
     ..$ nstats   : num 1
     ..$ vars     : int 1
     ..$ deffs    : logi FALSE
     ..$ statistic: chr "svyquantile"
     ..$ variables: chr "api99"
     ..$ vartype  : chr "se"
    -  attr(*,  "call")=  language  svyby.default(~api99, ~stype, dclus1,
   svyquantile, quantiles = 0.5,      ci = TRUE)
   I do not see the CI in this structure.  Specifically, this problem came up
   when  I  was  working  through an example where after a similar set up
   information was extracted using
   R> tst$statistics.quantiles
   R> tst$statistics.CIs
   where of course the NULLs I get are due, in my case,  to the absences of the
   $statistics.XXXs.   The example did not display the structure so I could not
   compare my output with their output. (The example warns that these objects
   need to be unlisted which is not relevant here)
   Thanks in advance for any help
R. R. Burns
Oceanside, CA
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