This is a consequence of changes made to support multiple imputation, where extracting the standard errors was needed. I will try to fix it. A work-around is to use lapply() and subset()
lapply(c("E","M","H"), function(s) svyquantile(~api99,subset(dclus1, stype==s), ci=TRUE,quantiles=0.5)) Thanks for reporting the problem. -thomas On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Ron Burns wrote:
I am having trouble understanding (i.e. getting) confidence intervals from the survey package. I am using R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) and survey package (3.11-2) on FC7 linux. To simplify my question I use an example from that package: R> data(api) R> dclus1<-svydesign(id=~dnum, weights=~pw, data=apiclus1, fpc=~fpc) R> (tst <- svyby(~api99, ~stype, dclus1, svyquantile, quantiles=0.5,ci=TRUE)) stype api99 se E E 615 37.89 H H 593 69.52 M M 611 37.67 R> str(tst) Classes âsvybyâ and 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: $ stype: Factor w/ 3 levels "E","H","M": 1 2 3 $ api99: num 615 593 611 $ se : num 37.9 69.5 37.7 - attr(*, "svyby")=List of 7 ..$ margins : int 1 ..$ nstats : num 1 ..$ vars : int 1 ..$ deffs : logi FALSE ..$ statistic: chr "svyquantile" ..$ variables: chr "api99" ..$ vartype : chr "se" - attr(*, "call")= language svyby.default(~api99, ~stype, dclus1, svyquantile, quantiles = 0.5, ci = TRUE) R> I do not see the CI in this structure. Specifically, this problem came up when I was working through an example where after a similar set up information was extracted using R> tst$statistics.quantiles NULL R> tst$statistics.CIs NULL where of course the NULLs I get are due, in my case, to the absences of the $statistics.XXXs. The example did not display the structure so I could not compare my output with their output. (The example warns that these objects need to be unlisted which is not relevant here) Thanks in advance for any help Ron -- R. R. Burns Oceanside, CA ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics University of Washington, Seattle ______________________________________________ mailing list PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.